Once you have organized your potential topics, you will now begin to gather your keywords. In the past you have always been told to use Google Adwords to find those keywords for "YouTube." The problem with that is, it's based on keywords from YouTube, it's based on Google search. What you need is a platform that will help you find keywords and analytics that cater to YouTube alone. That's where Vidiq comes in.

This wonderful Google Chrome application is exclusively available on Google Chrome. It's a free extension that shows analytics for your YouTube channel as well as provides you access to their keyword research tool that solely focuses on YouTube search.

What you should do is first download the Chrome browser if you don't have already. Once you do this, then you will need to download the Vidiq extension. Here are the steps below:

1. Go to Google and type in vidiq addon (Through Google Chrome)

Click on the first site that has the above title

2. Click On Add To Chrome

3. Once Added, Click On The Vidiq Logo At The Top Right Corner And Click Home

This is the home page of the application. Once here, you will want to click on the magnifying glass at the top screen to access the keyword tool.

Once you reach this page, you will type in a keyword and see watch the results.

In the results, you will notice a group of columns that describe the relevance of each keyword. The most important part of the column is the competition score and the overall score. This is the part that measures how strong the keyword is and will ultimately determine how much money you will have to spend in order to rank this keyword....we will get to this later in the course.

The higher the competition score, the more money it will take for you to rank on YouTube. The lower the competition score, the less money it will take to rank on YouTube. It's pretty easy math.

You will do this with multiple keyword phrases. If you get stuck at finding good keywords, you can use the Wealthy Affiliate keyword tool, Jaaxy or Google related searches at the bottom of the Google search results.

After you gather all of your keywords, it's time for you to start creating your content. As you're recording your content, you must mention your keywords within the presentation because YouTube's encoder will pick up on the content and consider it when ranking the video.
Tasks 0/4 completed
1. Download Google Chrome Browser
2. Download Vidiq Extension
3. Use The Vidiq Keyword Tool To Gather Keywords
4. Create Your Video Content

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AnthonyMLM Premium
Great training my friend thanks
GeekHibrid Premium
Appreciate it...no problem