Author welshy
Rank 6726

** WARNING ** When you install FileZilla it will try install 2 or 3 other software programs, during the installation, PLEASE press DECLINE for each option.

Updated missing video file with a new video - Nov 2014

In this video I'm going to show you how to connect to your website that's hosted with Wealthy Affiliate via FTP using FileZilla.

Odds are you'll never need to connect via FTP but if you do and you're not sure how to, this should help

FileZilla download page


If you click on the above link it's going to take you to the correct download area, it should look just like the following image, click on either the Windows or Mac download. The page will change and the download will auto start after several seconds.

If the download page looks like the image below, DO NOT click on the download GREEN image link. This will download a bundle installer. If you do install this, just hit DECLINE on all options.

To access the correct page, click on the "Show additional download options"

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ECAffiliates Premium
Welshy, just started with firezilla. Is hard to understand for a newbie - repeated attempts yes I did get it to work. Is a very worthy tutorials for people who know nothing about FTP. Thank you.
Carson Premium Plus
Craig (Welshy), I've had a number of people mention that they cannot use Filezilla with various FTP accounts both here at WA, and on other hosts. Are there any settings within Filezilla that are required to allow it to connect? In some cases toggling PASV mode works. I wanted to know if you have run into this with Filezilla before?
welshy Premium
Hi Carson, Only ran into this problem once a few years ago, but at the time I was using CoreFTP.
weitjerry Premium
The response says, 530 login incorrect. The site has been up for 4 days.
welshy Premium
If you've never connected via FTP to this domain, then maybe double check the FTP setting with the FTP settings WA are giving you. If you can't find anything wrong submit a support ticket or try catch Kyle or Carson in live chat.
weitjerry Premium
Settings are correct. I tried a few times. Even typing them in. I'll try live chat. Thanks.
Carson Premium Plus
Sounds like there is something fishy going on with your FTP account for your domain. Please submit a hosting ticket from your support ticket tab here:

Submitting a hosting ticket will give us your account details so that we can test them from our end.
weitjerry Premium
It doesn't want to connect. It says critical error. Could not connect to server. What could be the problem?
welshy Premium
Hi, without the details it's hard to help. WA does have a Ticket system for hosting.
Maybe create a hosting ticket and give them the details you're using to connect, maybe something isn't correct.
Does the domain you're trying to connect to have a website installed or is it a new domain just added?
About a month ago, all FTP passwords got changed.
If it's a sub-domain you may need to enter into the Host field.

Shawn Martin Premium
Good job!