A Great Headline Tool

I use CoSchedule (http://coschedule.com/headline-analyzer). You can sign up for a free account and get the use of their amazing headline analyzer for free. Of course there are perks to a paid subscription, but that's not what I am here to tell you about.

The goal to the headline analyzer is to get a green score and an A+ rating.

I aim for an A+ and a score of 75 or above

It looks at what words you use, the balance of those words, the order in which you use them, the unmber of characters and word count and type of headline you have created. Basically it looks at the overall structure, grammar, and readability of your headline.

Start by typing in your keyword string or the proposed headline you think will work, then hit enter. This goes a long way to show how much more powerful a headline can become.

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Sheila50 Premium
Thanks Missa for that info! Any help here will make my life easier and I am sure others feel the same way!
Sheila :)
Missa3 Premium
This really helps get the juices and thoughts going on how to get that keyword naturally into my content, and works like a charm every time. Got another article done today.

Best wishes
Give It A Go Premium
Hi Missa, Thanks for clarifying the punctuation point. I actually have done something similar just hoping, lol, that it would ignore punctuation.
Missa3 Premium
It does seem to from what I;ve been able to tell
sunnyj823 Premium
I did not know that about punctuation... Good info! SunnyJ
Missa3 Premium
It's a nice little trick for those awkward long-tailed keywords
SarahAnt Premium
Thanks for sharing this! Really useful!
Missa3 Premium
You are welcome Sarah
pinkabella Premium
Good idea I have never used punctuation either in searches or descriptions within an article. Think I may try this one, Thank you
Missa3 Premium
Gool uck Pinkabella