1. Minimise Your Distractions

Have you ever given thought to the amount of distractions that come your way on any given day? What may seem to be simple like:

  • music playing,
  • children running around,
  • someone walking by frequently,
  • your cell phone pinging when messages come in
  • coffee machines in a café

Some of these interruptions may be easier to control than others. How do you stop your young child from interrupting you for food or drinks?

One way could be to set specific times for breaks to check-in on what is needed. Or, if you can, you could find a quiet place to work undisturbed - with no cell phone or other connection that can be used to access you.

If you are working online, then managing the amount of distractions on your computer or lapto is important. Close any programs that you may not be using while concentrating on a particulr task.

Keeping many tabs open causes you to peep in and that can result in a quick look turning into an hour or two.

Manage Your Internal Distractions

Internal distractions can sometimes be louder tha external ones and much more difficult to shut off.

This includes worry, anxiety, negative thoughts, expectations. These are within your immediate span of control and require you to take charge of your thoughts and feelings.

Positive affirmations, eating well, a glass of water and a good night's sleep go a long way in helping you to think and feel better. These healthy habits keep you alert and boost the oxygen and blood flow to the brain.

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roysinOnline Premium
Great tutorial and guide, Cassi👍🏼

It is strange but just before I read your tutorial I stumbled over an article via the Pocket app, named "Indistracted", which goes hand in hand with what you write here and your related blog post about Focus the other day.

I have noticed lately that I have been suffering a bit form distraction myself, from stress due to heavy workloads at work, and trying to get some progress in my digital entrepreneurship.

The distraction takes me into a digital screen doing research and work related to my digital entrepreneurship, overlooking among other things, our dog. She has started to react to my distraction, and has showed it to me lately that she is not happy with my shift of focus.

This weekend, I will re-write my work schedule and DMO details to allow for more quality time with family and our little fur baby.

Your Call-to-Action in your tutorials are spot on.

CassiOfTroy Premium Plus
Roy, your feedback and contributions are always so very helpful.

Balancing the scale is an ongoing activity.
Honestly, I do not think that it is ever really equally balanced.
Some days it is more of one thing and less of another.

That is why planning is important and prioritising critical.
Do not neglect your family and loved ones.
Your dog knows that he is getting less than he usually does.

My way of addressing that is involving my dog and my daughter in my breaks and doing something fun with them for 10-20 minutes then, back to work for a bit.

They really feel included then. 🙂

Instinctively, you will know.
roysinOnline Premium
Thank you for your good advice, Cassi :-)

CassiOfTroy Premium Plus
You are welcome, Roy.
lesabre Premium
Hi Cassi, it is not only your smile that lights up my screen it is also your posts/lessons. Thank you for the share.

Best wishes,
CassiOfTroy Premium Plus
Thank you for your kind words, Michael.
I am blushing now. 😊

You are very welcome.
So happy to share some of what works for me to help our WA Members achieve more.

Edubosah Premium
Lovely post, I always find it hard to focus on one thing, my mind always play trick on me. Always thinking how to solve several things at a time.
CassiOfTroy Premium Plus
Bosah, I understand that well.
My mind never stops. 🙂

Before starting an important task, like writing a post, I spend a couple of minutes in meditation, focusing on my objective and visualising my outcome.

Perhaps that may work for you also.

Thank you for your feedback.
Eunice28 Premium
Great post kenny, straight to the point, we just need to keep practicing over and over again, thanks for sharing
CassiOfTroy Premium Plus
Practice makes perfect, Eunice.

Thank you very much for your feedback.
Cav1966 Premium
aww yes internal distractions something I have been struggling with as of late.
Great points thank you for sharing this
CassiOfTroy Premium Plus
Cathy, we all do.

My suggestion:
Own them - for a few minutes, 🙂 then let them go and bring yourself back to what is important.

Thank you so much for your support.