Step 5 - Does the Vendor have a Good Product Pitch or Sales Page

In this last step let's talk about the vendor. We need to click on the link and view the vendor pitch page.

Does it look professional?

It it a product that you would consider buying?

Does it give enough information to allow you to make a good buying decision?

You need to ask yourself these questions to make a good decision on weather to promote this product or not.

Additional how do you know it's a good product?

I usually go to the vendor page and send them a message letting them know I wish to promote their product and ask them if I could get a review copy so I can see the quality.

If they say no and I'm pretty convinced it's a good product and the price isn't too high I'll purchase it.

Most good vendors will provide you with a copy.

If the product is questionable and there are plenty others products to choose from then I may move on to the next product.

Over all if you follow these five steps you will end up finding many good products that you can promote and make a good commission.

In closing I leave you with this. There are many products on Clickbank that will pay you over 100.00 per sale when you find the right product. Imagine if you were making 5 sales a day on Amazon making a few dollars a sale then switched to one where you could make $100.00 a sale. It's a no brainer right?

I hope you have enjoyed this training and please like and comment so others can learn.

- Glen B

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DebbieRose Premium
Thanks...good detail. Will be bookmarking for future reference.
Glen B Premium
Glad you liked it Debbie!

- Glen B
1Jeweled1 Premium
Great article! Your article is very helpful! I am still hashing out what I products I want to promote to get started here in WA. Still watching the training vids.
Glen B Premium
I would find many products Anita. You can do different posts about each one. Just keep them in the theme or Niche of your site.

- Glen B
Jenbloom Premium
Do you have to create an account first before searching for a product because I do not see a search area on the site?
CandP Premium
This is just great, Glen. We have saved it because we will be using Clickbank very soon.
Very helpful, thank you!
Colette and Philip
Glen B Premium
Thanks Colette and Phillip!

- Glen B
DShort Premium
Hi, Glen thank you for this a will look at it as soon as I can busy at work at the moment.
Glen B Premium
Ok Dave, Hope you enjoy it.

- Glen B