So here's where it starts to get a little weird.

Back in 1970, an artist named Peter Schmidt created something called "The Thoughts Behind the Thoughts". Using discarded prints, he created 55 cards each with a sentence suggesting a different way of thinking.

At the same time, an acquaintance of Schmidt's was pursuing a similar project.

Brian Eno was then the synthesizer player for one of my all time favorite bands, Roxy Music (check 'em out youngens, they really hold up!), and later went on to a solo career and became a very successful music producer. He's produced or collaborated with artists like David Bowie, U2, Talking Heads and many others.

Okay, enough hero worship.

So, like I was saying, Eno came up with his own set of bamboo cards. On each he hand wrote a single sentence. He called his set of suggestions "Oblique Strategies".

The two discovered that their projects overlapped quite a bit and they decided to combine them as one, which they released commercially as a box of cards called "Oblique Strategies"

Over the years, several editions of the cards have been released, and they are now freely available in several digital forms, including apps for Android and iPhone. Just search "Oblique Strategies" and you will find several versions.

But what do I do with these cards? How will they help me get unstuck?

Hang in there, it only gets a little weirder.

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cosmicradio Premium
Thanks, Joe-I'm not often stuck, but I'm going to look for those cards. Sounds interesting!
joekeriii Premium
To be honest, I'm not often stuck either. But I have used them before and they helped me get unstuck.
viyee Premium
Thank you for sharing! Great post and advice!
joekeriii Premium
Aloha Peony, thanks for checking out my first training!
viyee Premium
Thank you very much!
nedbert Premium
An inspiring message and very timely for me. The best advice for a new year........... 2017 is going to be the one for us all. Thank you
joekeriii Premium
I hope the Oblique Strategies can be useful to you. Thanks for checking out my 1st training!
jtaienao Premium
Interesting concept, Thank you for sharing.

joekeriii Premium
Yes, thanks for checking it out!
GrahamHod Premium
Im gona check these out. Like to sound of these. I haven't got stuck so far but i will be ready with these cards when i do.
joekeriii Premium
Yes, they are easy to find online and free. (I guess some people still purchase the physical cards, but that's more for collectors)
joekeriii Premium
Oh, and thanks for being the first to comment on my first training!