Go to Yellow.com.

Look for all the plumbers, hairdressers, vets, caterers etc. etc. who have got a 'premium' ad in place.

These businesses are serious about their advertising and you can tell because they're prepared to pay the premium rate to get noticed.

The premium ads are those that have borders, bullet points and logos etc. the free ads are just text.

Copy and paste the contact details of all the businesses that you have domain names for.

Contact EVERY plumber, hairdresser, real estate agent etc..

Tell them that they can have an exclusive space on the website that you've made for their trade. Tell them that it's ALREADY ON PAGE ONE OF GOOGLE.

They should bite your hand off to get on the high ranking site.

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lgravitt Premium
Sorry to be so duuummmbbbbb, but I am brand new to WA as well as Internet Marketing. Domain name idea sounds fabulous, but what do you nput on the website? Listing of, for example, local plumbers and some info about them? (Sorry - said I was kinda in the dark yet!)
ken9 Premium
This is a brilliant idea that I am liking a lot. You have honestly earned my gold due to it's originality. I am impressed Martyn.
fishing_007 Premium
This is a brilliant idea that I am liking a lot. You have honestly earned my gold due to it's originality. I am impressed Martyn.
reapit Premium
Hi Martin,

This looks a fantastic idea, are you doing it yourself?
kfrancel Premium
Hi Martin,

This looks a fantastic idea, are you doing it yourself?