This system works so well because Google had finally realised that if somebody in Dallas wants a plumber, they don't want a plumber to come down from another state or over from England, no, they want a LOCAL plumber.

So Google gives great emphasis on local communities around the US.

I know that I criticise Google on occasions, especially on WA but, I have to say, that when it comes to local searches, they just can't be beat … they can earn you a mint.

Give this business blueprint a try for a few months. It's another of my 'low cost, no cost' solutions that can earn you money very quickly indeed.

Oh, by the way. When you run out of businesses in your two local areas, simply move outward to the next city, town or village and do it all over again. In a few years you could really be a millionaire.

Let me know how you get on.

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lgravitt Premium
Sorry to be so duuummmbbbbb, but I am brand new to WA as well as Internet Marketing. Domain name idea sounds fabulous, but what do you nput on the website? Listing of, for example, local plumbers and some info about them? (Sorry - said I was kinda in the dark yet!)
ken9 Premium
This is a brilliant idea that I am liking a lot. You have honestly earned my gold due to it's originality. I am impressed Martyn.
fishing_007 Premium
This is a brilliant idea that I am liking a lot. You have honestly earned my gold due to it's originality. I am impressed Martyn.
reapit Premium
Hi Martin,

This looks a fantastic idea, are you doing it yourself?
kfrancel Premium
Hi Martin,

This looks a fantastic idea, are you doing it yourself?