Off the top of my list, here are 5 benefits to expect from using Drip Email Marketing Software.

1 - Business Automation

While Drip is basically an email marketing tool, it helps you retrieve customer data from your store, which can be analyzed for insights that will help you achieve your business goals.

So whether your goal is to sell more of a particular product, or sell to a location or country, Drip provides you with insights that help you decide.

2 - Test Your Campaigns

The best campaigns are products of trials and different tests. You have to keep on testing and making changes until you arrive at what works.

Drip offers you that platform where you can carry out split testing to find out what works best.

3 - Tracking of Customers’ Events

This is what Drip calls Event Tracking, which is a means of tracking the activities of your subscribers and your stores.

Drip track events such as form submission, date and time of the event, and Meta data. These data enable you to personalize your communication with each of your subscribers.

4 - Add Your Own Custom Field

Drip allows you to further personalize your forms for each subscriber. You can add a custom field relative to where the subscribers sign up for your newsletter.

5 - Scalable Pricing Plans

While most email marketing service providers offer different plans with different features, the more expensive your pricing plan is, the more features you can access.

But with Drip, the least costly pricing plan has access to all features. The main difference between pricing plans is the number of people on each plan.

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Pedrone Premium
another well needed training,
thank you
Israel17 Premium
Wow, thanks for finding this tutorial useful, Pedrone! I hope to see you start building an email list soonest!

Israel Olatunji
STCCynthia Premium
Thank You Israel for the training information on Drip eMail Marketing. I am sure I will return when I chose to start my eMail marketing campaign.
Israel17 Premium
Oh, that's awesome to know, STCCynthia! You'll find Drip an indispensable email marketing software among others when you get started in full. Thanks again for stopping by!

Israel Olatunji
NnekaN Premium
Thank you for this. This will go a long way
Israel17 Premium
Wow, thanks for leaving a comment, Nneka! You're highly cherished. Oh yes, it'll surely go a long way for most newbie and struggling veteran bloggers who are looking to build an email list. Thanks for your visit!

Israel Olatunji
Dorrie1 Premium Plus
Thank You for the lesson and information
Israel17 Premium
Glad you read my email marketing tutorial, Dorrie! Much appreciated! Drip is one of the best and most effective email marketing tools out there, though it has its own pros and cons. Thanks for stopping by!

Israel Olatunji
emimos12 Premium
This is my first time of hearing this email marketing software, it's very helpful to me,thank you for this excellent training.
Israel17 Premium
Oh, thanks for leaving a thought, emimos! Drip hasn't existed for a long time in the email marketing industry; so, that's the likely reason you haven't heard of it thus far. Thanks again!

Israel Olatunji