Basic Features of Drip Email Marketing Software

  • Drip is an email marketing tool with the broader perspective of a CRM solution. It offers an Analytics tool that enables users to fetch data from customers’ browsing history, use of social media, and email engagement
  • Transparent pricing plans that let you calculate how much you want to pay – You can use the calculator on its website to arrive at how much it will cost you
  • Cloud-based service that requires no hardware or software installation on your part. You only require a reliable internet connection to enjoy its service
  • The Visual Editor makes it quite easy for users to create custom emails from available templates
  • Drip is a great tool for running personalized email campaigns to your customers
  • Segment your subscribers based on predefined criteria. It allows you to customize the messages that can be sent to each segment
  • Manage subscribers’ permission before adding them to your list. When they give their express permission, you can then continue communication with them.

Drip Pricing Plans

Drip pricing plans come in 3 variants which are Basic, Pro and Enterprise. The main difference between the pricing plans is the amount of subscribers allowed for each.

  • The cost of the basic plan is $49 per month and it gives a maximum of 2,500 subscribers. You are, however, allowed to send the unlimited number of emails on the Basic plan
  • The pro plan goes for $122/month with a subscriber limit of 5,000 people
  • The enterprise plan allows for more than 5,000 subscribers and you will have to contact the company in order to get the quote.

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Pedrone Premium
another well needed training,
thank you
Israel17 Premium
Wow, thanks for finding this tutorial useful, Pedrone! I hope to see you start building an email list soonest!

Israel Olatunji
STCCynthia Premium
Thank You Israel for the training information on Drip eMail Marketing. I am sure I will return when I chose to start my eMail marketing campaign.
Israel17 Premium
Oh, that's awesome to know, STCCynthia! You'll find Drip an indispensable email marketing software among others when you get started in full. Thanks again for stopping by!

Israel Olatunji
NnekaN Premium
Thank you for this. This will go a long way
Israel17 Premium
Wow, thanks for leaving a comment, Nneka! You're highly cherished. Oh yes, it'll surely go a long way for most newbie and struggling veteran bloggers who are looking to build an email list. Thanks for your visit!

Israel Olatunji
Dorrie1 Premium Plus
Thank You for the lesson and information
Israel17 Premium
Glad you read my email marketing tutorial, Dorrie! Much appreciated! Drip is one of the best and most effective email marketing tools out there, though it has its own pros and cons. Thanks for stopping by!

Israel Olatunji
emimos12 Premium
This is my first time of hearing this email marketing software, it's very helpful to me,thank you for this excellent training.
Israel17 Premium
Oh, thanks for leaving a thought, emimos! Drip hasn't existed for a long time in the email marketing industry; so, that's the likely reason you haven't heard of it thus far. Thanks again!

Israel Olatunji