This is how the H1 CSS code looks in the theme editor:

h1 {
font-size: 42px;
margin-bottom: 20px;
line-height: 1.2em;
font-weight: normal;
text-transform: none;

Not exactly awe-inspiring, so we need to completely re-format the H1 header. Let's start by reducing the space left by deleting the page or post title. Add the following code to the Additional CSS:

h1 {
margin-top: -70px;

You can now see how the space has been reduced between the menu bar and header

Now let's change the header font family, size and color, and reduce the space between the header and first paragaph. Personally, I prefer a slab serif font, which I feel complements perfectly a sans-serif font, which is always advisable for legibility in the main text on a website. For this example I've used Rockwell.

Add the following code under the margin-top: -70px; already added to Additional CSS:
margin-bottom: 0px;
font-family: rockwell;
font-size: 38px;
font-weight: normal;
color: #352ece;
font-stretch: ultra-condensed;
letter-spacing: 0.3px;

The H1 header should now look like this:

You may ask "Why is the header all lowercase letters?" I have done this deliberately to explain how it can save you using the shift key every time you want an uppercase, or capital, letter when creating your header. Just add the following code to your H1 CSS:

text-transform: capitalize;

This is how your H1 header should now look:

If you want all uppercase, or capital, letters, just change capitalize to uppercase inthe CSS code.

So far, so good? Now it's the H2 header and main body text that needs customizing.

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mbouteiller Premium Plus
Hey Brian,

I'm very glad I found your tutorial. This is fantastic information. I'm not ready to do this part yet, but here's a question...

In your main navigation, is there a way I can put the navigation headings in each separate box with some spaces between them?

How are you doing? I hope all is going well for you. You're in Spain?

Kind regards,
Harrysastar2 Premium
Hi, Monica, in answer to your question, yes, it can be done, see image below, which I think is what your require.

I'm ok, thanks, Monica. I've been in Benidorm, Spain since mid-November, 2020. I only came for 3 months but have been unable to get flights back to the UK under present restrictions both in Sain and the UK. Best wishes
mbouteiller Premium Plus
Hi Brian,

Thank you. Exactly what I want. Do you know if Generate Press Premium will let me do this or do I have to use coding?

Wow, Benidorm... I never of the place and looked it up. It looks very beautiful. Years ago, I went to Valencia, and that was quite lovely too. It might be awhile then before you can leave. Ummm, I think I envy you. You must be homesick, though.

Please take care and stay well.

Harrysastar2 Premium
Hi, Moniica, as far as I am aware, you need to generate a css-class for each item in your menu in both the free and paid theme. You also need to add some css code to your Additional CSS to define the size of your border and the space between each item.

It isn't very difficult, if you're not sure how to do it I'll help you.with the coding. Once this is placed in the Additional CSS all you need to do is create a css-class for any additional items added later. Best wishes..
Harrysastar2 Premium
Hi, Yvonne, glad you found it helpful. Best wishes.
YvonneBray Premium
Thank you for creating a wonderfull tutorial in codes in CSS. I learned a lot today: