Is this picture representative of you when you think of offering customer service as an affiliate? It shouldn't be.

Many affiliate marketers think that because they have no ownership of a product, they shouldn't bother or there isn't a need for customer service. That is far from the truth. If you are not being transparent with your potential customers and offer your "referrals" support with their purchases and questions, you are likely missing out on a lot of revenue.

Reasons why you SHOULD offer customer service as an affiliate.

There are many reasons outside just the ones that I am going to discuss here, but I am going to cover three of the most important reasons that you should be offering service as an affiliate.

Reason #1: People are more likely to trust you than the company. Companies typically seem unapproachable to the average person. That is why word of mouth marketing is so powerful, because people trust people versus the company advertising. Apple can tell you they have the greatest phone on earth all they want, but you are not going to really believe it until you can communicate with someone that owns an Apple phone.

Reason #2: People want to get a user opinion and insight. Again, people would much rather obtain insight from a personal email to a website owner (affiliate) that is promoting a product versus the actual product website. Ideally you would be a user or very knowledgeable (at the very least) of every product you promote. Open your doors to people that have any questions and you will likely be able to generate a referral with relative ease. Promote stuff you believe in and like and it won't feel like selling.

Reason #3: People want to talk to someone before a sale (and may not hear back from the company). People need to be reassured that they are making a sound purchasing decision before they buy. Sometimes it is just a matter of being able to talk to someone about the product and if you make yourself available, you will likely be able to fill this roll.

Note that not everyone will contact you if you provide your contact information (your email, Facebook, Twitter, etc), however it is awesome if they do contact you. The reason being, when someone contacts you, they are very close to buying and they are very far along in the purchasing lifecycle.

Do the Products You Promote Offer Great Customer Service?

Before you promote any product as an affiliate, you may want to try getting in touch with the product owner with a question about their product/service. IF they don't get back to you or are very slow to get back to you, they are likely going to offer the same sort of service to the people you refer to them (not good). If this is the case, you may want to choose a different product to promote.

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chaujka Premium
I apologize for being so upset in my 10/7/09 comment. (Thanks for the spell checking feature...I am unfamiliar w/Foxfire...guess it does it auto mode...or is that WAr software?). I am a phone type person that avoids chat and e-mail when possible. Is there a customer service phone number for important questions that may be not addressed on the forum? I sure hope so! I will keep trying as a newbie...maybe another newbie making progress believes in phone conversations as I do. (Let's get in touch via phone!). I have not had much luck w/ posting on the forum (keep getting "error on page"). Trying to grasp the "8 week action plan". Not what I was hoping for. I assume I should start building a website (already have some products to represent in mind). Help!!!!!
Kincaid Premium
I need to talk with a WA customer service rep on phone. Were is your phone number?
I have tried using the forum and keep getting "error on page" when posting my comments and questions. Not happy at all!! Your custumer service hype is turning out to be a lot of $%#&@. NEED HELP AS A NEWBIE!! Make your promises honorable!! I payed my money and trusted your program was the best, as you promised. i AM A MAN OF MY WORD...ARE YOU?
chaujka Premium
I need to talk with a WA customer service rep on phone. Were is your phone number?
I have tried using the forum and keep getting "error on page" when posting my comments and questions. Not happy at all!! Your custumer service hype is turning out to be a lot of $%#&@. NEED HELP AS A NEWBIE!! Make your promises honorable!! I payed my money and trusted your program was the best, as you promised. i AM A MAN OF MY WORD...ARE YOU?
Sparquel Premium
Being a "people" person and possessing great customer service skills ... I have to say AMEN to this great information. It is so true!

A portion of my customer service training (many years ago) taught me the importance of always using the "person, business, person" technique to enter and exit each customer interaction.

How valuable it is for one's business to treat every customer first as an individual "person", discuss "business" in the middle of the interaction, then last but certainly not least ... exit on another "personal" level. Customers LOVE it!
WealthandJoy Premium
Being a "people" person and possessing great customer service skills ... I have to say AMEN to this great information. It is so true!

A portion of my customer service training (many years ago) taught me the importance of always using the "person, business, person" technique to enter and exit each customer interaction.

How valuable it is for one's business to treat every customer first as an individual "person", discuss "business" in the middle of the interaction, then last but certainly not least ... exit on another "personal" level. Customers LOVE it!