Author ShaneWelcher
Rank 501

Hello WA,

I thought I would put together a short video on the top features that are helpful in WordPress menus. These elements have helped me in so many ways and I wanted to share this with those who have not had the chance to see everything you can do.

Menus are often overlooked and the easier it is on the eyes the better it is for the reader, after all the better quality we give the better engagement we get which helps us in the Google rankings.

This video shows drop down menus, title attritubes, and side shift menus if needed.

I hope you find this helpful,


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LouisaB Premium
Thank you for the recap. We can always use a follow-up.
laparra1 Premium
Good Morning Shane,

Recently the websites were pepped up with this, it for sure makes it more organized and easy.

Greetings from the south of Spain, Taetske
phakacha8 Premium
This will really help the new members. Thanks for sharing
ShaneWelcher Premium
I have three more that may be a bit more advanced so I am aiming at helping new to old members with all 4. I agree that this one was to help the people just starting out.
phakacha8 Premium
Yes, I see your plan. Go ahead my friend.