Pretty cool, right?

For the Block Editor, Choose the block, Custom HTML. Paste the code in. Then Preview

For other editors, there are two tabs on the upper right, Visual or Text. Choose TEXT.

Place your cursor in the location you want the link to show, and paste the code. SAVE.

Very clean, nice looking affiliate link. 😎

There may be a few companies that don't allow using this tool, even as part of FlexOffers. That's okay. There is another way. Under the same Deep Linking tab, you can do the exact same thing manually within the Flexoffers site.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly. I'll be happy to help.

If you'd like to see tutorials on other affiliate networks' deep linking tools, I'll be happy to do those too.

If this helped you, Please click on Like and share it as needed. :)

Thank you for reading and happy affiliate deep linking!


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AbnerDean Premium Plus
I had a hard time submitting the application. I is the first time I applied to anything.
After a few days of trying. I'm very excited to know that my application has been received and is being reviewed.
I have a domain here but the website I applied for is hosted someplace else. After the 17th of November I will be ready to transfer everything over to WA
It's kinda hard to explain my enthusiasm because I've spent 9 months trying to give birth (lol) to this website and now I'm actually
seeing some progress.
Your recommendation is perfect timing for me and I can't wait to continue. Thanks Palatia,
Palatia Premium Plus
Awesome, Dean. :) As you go along, maybe you can try the features I showed in the tutorial. Let me know if I can help.

Farah20 Premium
Hey, great training. When I tried this and clicked on "generate link" I kept getting an error " please enter a valid URL" ,

I would copy image link, and paste into "image and text box" as mentioned but then error would appear, so I would then paste also into URL box (as well as image and text box) and then it would generate link,

But then with the generated link, I would paste onto my page and it would just come up blank. Any suggestions there? Thanks.
Palatia Premium Plus
Yes. Make sure you're on the advertiser's page when you're doing this. (I'm sure you are). Also, make sure the Advertisers name is there under Advertiser. Usually it populates for you, but sometimes it doesn't. So just make sure the website/advertiser name is there.

Also, make sure the URL of the page is what is in URL. For the image, choose Image or Image and text where it says URL by default. Then paste the Image URL under the Image URL spot.

Click Generate, it should work then.

Palatia Premium Plus
And on the advertiser's web page, Right Click the image and find Copy Image URL and paste that in Image URL.
lowbeelian Premium
Thanks for this training, I am with Flex but I just find myself lost when i log in. I feel that I have to jump through loops and hoops to get the links to promote my approved merchants. Hopefully when I read this in detail it will help!
Palatia Premium Plus
This is for you. I didn't know about this tool for a long time. Once I figured it out, I wanted to share. Thank you. Paula
Keny44 Premium
Nice information. Well-done.
Palatia Premium Plus
Thank you, Keny.