I hope you enjoyed pinning on Pinterest since the last tutorial. Probably you found plenty of interests and now you know how it works.

This is how the personal account main page look like.

You should go on the Saved button, in order to make changes in your account.

You go on the three dots and choose the option "Switch to a business account".

Then it gives you form where to put the information for your business, in your case your website.

Add your business name (website name), choose the business type and finally add your website.
I create business account for my organization, since I already created for my website, that is why I chose as business type institution. You can chose whatever you think is suitable for your website. At the end press Done.

And the first step is done. You switched your personal account to business. That easy. You may see on your screen that the appearance is not the same as it was before.

We will explain now the use of the new buttons. But it is not all finished. We have more to do in order to connect your website to your Pinterest business account.

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MKearns Premium
This is a great training Anita. Translating pinned visuals is an excellent draw for business!
AniGago Premium
Thanks Michael.
MichaelGB Premium
Great information....thank you.
AniGago Premium
You are welcome.
RandyL1 Premium
Nicely Done!

AniGago Premium
Thanks Randy.
TeresaLeith Premium
So, I have thousands of pins on my personal pinterest page, but they don't have anything to do with my website. Would it be better to create a new page for the website rather than switch my personal page to a business page?
AniGago Premium
You can do whatever you think it is better for your business.
I decided to use my personal account for my website because I already had thousands of pins. So it was easier for me to use it, from the smartphone also, and not switching the accounts all the time.
But, but if you think that your website has nothing in common with your pins from the personal account, you can create a new one just for the site. It will look more professional having only pins from your niche.
It depends on you.
JelenaBB Premium
Thank you for a tutorial!
AniGago Premium
You are welcome.