Brief considerations about giving and taking comments at the thread:
1. The advantage of Option A (cited on page 5 of this training) is that you first receive the comments, and then you pay them back. Once you have asked for comments, you must frequently check the Notification bell icon. By doing so, you see when members send you a message about the comments they have left on your site.
And be sure to go to their sites and return the favor as you have promised.
Wealthy Affiliate is a great community. So, let us keep it that way, always honoring our part of the deal by returning comments.
I cannot talk about the thread without kindly mentioning this. If a person is tempted to not return comments, it will be to his own disadvantage. I am happy this does not happen very often. And we all know that a good reputation is not worth a comment. This is such a minor point, but it reveals a much bigger issue. A person that receives and does not give back will not obtain good results in the long run.
Affiliate Marketing is about helping others, and the more you help, the more successful you will be. So, a person may act disrespectfully towards those that have helped him. But do you think he will make it in a business that is based on helping others? Building trust is a core component in affiliate marketing. :)
Others have handed us this great community. Let us preserve every good aspect of it. :)
2. The advantage of Option B (cited on page 5 of this training) is that you get to choose the websites where you want to comment. This definitely helps you leave better comments. Comments left on a topic that is interesting to you will be higher in quality. As a disadvantage, one out of a million may not return the comment. And if this happens, it may be that:
- The person has had an emergency and has to be away from WA for a couple of days.
- Has just not seen your comment.
- Thinks that he has left a comment on your site, but something has occurred, and the comment has not gone out.
If you do not receive a comment, I would suggest you write a kind and short private message to that person. Bearing in mind that any of the things listed above could also happen to you. The private message could be something like this:
"Hello, So and so! We meet in 'The give and take comment thread.' I left a comment on your post, and I have not received your promised comment on mine yet. Please do not feel upset. This could also happen to me, and I would appreciate this reminder. I would just like to hear from you. If you have a chance, write back. I will indeed understand. All the best."
My experience:
I have used the thread a lot. And I am grateful to Kyle for creating this thread. I do not know on how many occasions I have not returned comments. I beg you pardon if I have and would appreciate a kind note each time it happens.
And on the other hand, only on two occasions members did not return comments. But both of them had valid reasons. One had an emergency. And the other had an issue, and the comment was not going out. But, both, a couple of days later, left their comments. So, I personally have had a great experience with the thread.
Don't take it personally when somebody does not return comments:
I must say that the community is sensitive about this. But, just in case, if after a couple of days you do not receive any answer, just move on. You could send them the link to this training. But please do not expose them, nor write a post complaining about it. And here are some reasons why you should not:
- It is just a comment. They are losing much more than you.
- At SiteComment you exchange 2 comments for 1. At the thread, you are almost exchanging 1 for 1. So, you are winning already.
- The energy you waste on this matter could be better invested in searching for more comments or on more productive activities on your site.
- We do not want to bring cheerless notes to the community for such minor issues. :)
I'll happily return the favor !