The give and take comment thread:

This is another option to give and take comments. To go to "The give and take comment thread," click here.

If you have been banned from SiteComments, or if your site is hosted on another place that is not Wealthy Affiliate, you can use this thread. And if you simply prefer this method, even though you can give and take Comments on SiteComments, you are also welcomed.

The thread is a post in which members publish the link to their sites and ask for comments. The comment petition is done by requesting it on the thread post. Leaving links to your site is usually not permitted in Wealthy Affiliate. To take a look at the official rules set by Kyle, click here. But there are a few exceptions, and this is one of them. Kyle himself has created the post of the thread where you can leave your link. But be careful not to leave links to your site anywhere else in Wealthy Affiliate. NOT EVEN ON THIS TRAINING! Even though it is clearly stated, it keeps on happening.

The post of the thread stimulates you to first comment on two other sites. And afterward, leave your link for others to come and comment on your site. So, we also encourage you to do so.

Two ways in which members usually request comments on the thread:

However, there is a common practice on the thread. And it could be helpful for you to know before going there. There are two options:

Option A: You could go to the thread and post the link of your post and wait for others to leave comments on your site. Your message asking for comments could be simple. Here is an example of something you could write on the thread:

"Hello, Wealthy Affiliate! Here is the link to one of my posts. I would greatly appreciate it if you could read it and leave me a comment. Here is the link… I will be more than happy to return the favor. Thank you in advance."

After you receive comments on your post, each member will write to you on the thread. In their message, they will leave the link to the article where they want a comment. Go to the site of each of these persons and leave them a comment. Finally, come back to the thread and answer them. The message can be short: "Cool post! Done. I left a comment for you."

Option B: You could go to the thread and check other members' links to their sites. Select a website that has an engaging topic for you. And go over there and leave a comment. Then come back to the thread and post your link as a reply to the comment petition. Your message could be something like this: "Hi, So and so! Great post. I left a comment for you. I would also appreciate a comment on this post… Thank you in advance." And wait for that member to go over to your site.

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Recent messages
Sdawson001 Premium
Here's my latest post, if you leave a comment I'll gladly return the favor:
WendaSue Premium
Hi. I read your post. You did an amazing job. If you have a minute, I'd love you to take a look at my latest post. I hope you have a great day.
MikeC69 Premium
I would appreciate it if I could get some comments on this post!
I'll happily return the favor !
Sdawson001 Premium
left you a comment, nice post - Shirley
Here's a link of mine
MikeC69 Premium
Gotchya ! Thanks !
Dunvant Premium
Would appreciate some followers and comments on Pinterest
LouisaB Premium
Henry, This you for sharing this post. Great Job!
Dunvant Premium

Some comments needed on my Google plus please