Author CassiOfTroy
Rank 231

Welcome to Session 4 in our 2022 Change Your Script Series.

In this session, we will take a look at how you set SMART goals.

If you want to achieve anything in life, you must have a plan and that includes setting goals for yourself.
These goals should be macro - for the year - and broken down into smaller bites.
That means monthly, weekly and daily.

In this video training, I will share my simple steps for setting your goals.

Remember, if you use another system, please share it with us in the comments below.

As always thank you for listening and/or watching.


In case you missed the other lessons, the links are shared below:


Session 2 - Finding Your Purpose -

Session 3 - Are You Setting Yourself Up For Failure? -

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WBlaisure Premium Plus
Watched it this week. Saved it for motivation.
CassiOfTroy Premium Plus
Thank you for your support, Warren.
roysinOnline Premium
Excellent training related to goal setting, Cassi.

I know I wrote something about SMART goals in one of my previous WA blog posts, saying SMART goals can be very limiting and advocating a more "flexible" approach to setting goals.

I think I wrote the post relating to my pilot background and the need to do inflight re-planning and responding to sudden upcoming situations frequently. I generally thrive better not being "restricted" by boundaries when I work etc.

Firstly, I like SMART goals. They are like checklists and flight manuals, very specific. It is just like choosing a specific niche to blog about. SMART goals will, as with checklists, if not followed, reveal our work ethic. Do we follow the goals we set ourselves or not, or are the goals specific enough and in line with the intention of SMART goals?

Secondly, SMART goals will tell us how our workday will be. It is a Flightplan with checkpoints along the flight route to be reached at a certain time with a certain payload and a certain amount of remaining fuel.

Translated into marketing and business; where do you want to be in 6 months or 1 year and how many impressions and referrals do you want to see then? The reporting checkpoints in that 6-month/1-year period are weekly, monthly and quarterly. The checkpoints allow you to adjust your activity to meet the goals you have set for yourself

I use a combination of SMART goals and Outcome Journaling. I think you know Outcome Journaling from Dean Graziosi´s teachings.

Each Friday, I draw up a 4 column matrix on my whiteboard (I also copy the whiteboard to my notebook.)

Column 1 is named WTCM, which is short for Whatever Comes To Mind. This column should be self-explanatory. I fill it up and then go to the second column.

Column 2 is named Month. It contains items from WTCM to be completed within the month to come. These items are purely needle movers for my business, my karate training or my daytime job.

Column 3 is named Week. This column contains topics from column 2 to be completed within the current week. Focus is on the real needle movers for your project.

Column 4 is named Day. This column contains only two topics(maybe just one) to be completed within that day. Focus on the needle mover/s for that day.

When a task is completed, I strike through the task. If the task is not completed, I move it to the left, to the previous column, and review tasks for the next day.

So the benefit of this method is the flow from left to right, visualising progress. If the flow is left to right, it visualises setbacks or delays. It is also a great way to plan as you brainstorm and find it very effective.

I also added the SMART goals method into this, specifying the identified tasks in more detail.

CassiOfTroy Premium Plus
Roy, I really like how you have connected SMART goals to the Outcome Journalling we learn from Dean.
It makes such good sense!

I have searched for your blog post which I do recall but cannot seem to find it.
When I do, I will include it here for reference.

Having a system that is congruent with your objectives and lifestyle is most important.
Critical is actually using it.

Thank you so very much for sharing.

roysinOnline Premium
My pleasure, Cassi. I will try to find the blog post I wrote. Currently, I am putting finishing touches to a lead magnet, a PDF, with repurposed blog posts. The post about planning could be a good fit for the PDF.

CassiOfTroy Premium Plus
That would be great, Roy.

Thank you.