One of the days I was sleeping, in my room at night, it was hot, I had a vision about the business,

Let me take this opportunity to share with you, what was on my mind while I was in beb but awake.

I hope this will help, as this is a community business on line, where people get help,learn and being grom with the skills on how to start your own business, and how can you market your business, on line.

Tasks 0/4 completed
1. Hope this helps
2. To learn about the business.
3. Good team
4. To know the skills of the business

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stoner955 Premium
Hi TMalinga 1,

Such a very nice and informative tips to those who are new in business. For me, who is new in business need this important information to survive and eventually grow my business. One more thing i can add is a business plan, which will tell how a business is going to achieve both short term and long term goals.
Thank you.

TMalinga1 Premium
Hi Nestor thanks for piping in to my lesson, is a pleasure.

All the best.