To start or to have a business you must have a business respond, let me make an example: you buying your first stock of your business, don't expect more interest because your business is still new, other people are not aware of your business.

The first stock of your business, take it as you buying groceries, for your family.no profits from it.

To be successful in business you must association your self with other business people to get more knowledge, on the business,, that where Wealthy Affiliate community business on line comes in here you going to learn how to manage your business,, how to market your business on line. and you also get help if you have any questions regarding your business.

Tasks 0/2 completed
1. To market your business
2. To socialize

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stoner955 Premium
Hi TMalinga 1,

Such a very nice and informative tips to those who are new in business. For me, who is new in business need this important information to survive and eventually grow my business. One more thing i can add is a business plan, which will tell how a business is going to achieve both short term and long term goals.
Thank you.

TMalinga1 Premium
Hi Nestor thanks for piping in to my lesson, is a pleasure.

All the best.