Creating an Instagram bio that attracts people to you can be difficult with only 150 characters.

Using emojis is a great way to brighten it up and save on characters.

Now remember that you can not use the return key and you can't leave too many spaces between words as Instagram sees it as a waste of space. So how do people make their bio's look so pretty?

The Bio on the left is a pretty standard bio whilst the one on the right is much more appealing and tells you more about the person behind the account.

As I have already said you get 150 characters in your bio. This is where emoji not only help to brighten up your bio but they save your characters too :-)

To create the bio on the right I used notes on my phone. All phones nowadays come with some note taking app already installed. If you have an older phone then look for the notes app or even use Evernote.

In notes you can use the return key to create paragraphs and even put in spaces. Use the emoji to bling up your bio. Then simply copy and paste into your Instagram bio. If you have gone over your 150 characters it will indicate this and then you need to work out what you need to sacrifice to make it fit. So its back to notes for a tinker and then another copy and paste to see if it fits. This may take a couple of attempts to get it right but in my opinion well worth the extra effort :-)

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rosieM Premium
This was a great training and very informative.....thank you for the extra tips on how to maneuver readers back to a clickable link. There are so many gurus out there professing ridiculous capabilities with InstaGram, but they fail to emphasize how to do it without being permanently penalized.
CathH1 Premium Plus
Thanks Rosie, if you liked this then you are just going to love the next instalment :-)
StepChook Premium
Thanks, Cath. Instagram is a social media tool which I've always thought of as something only my teenage daughters use. I've bookmarked this and will definitely be giving it a go soon.
CathH1 Premium Plus
that's awesome Stephen, happy to be able to help. This training will get you up and running and posting daily 3 times a day is ideal but I will cover that in my next training :-)
Follow me when you get up and running :-)
StepChook Premium
I honestly didn't think that Instagram could be used for business. I asked my daughters and they just gave me that typical teenage look that says, "Uh! You're SO old, Dad!"
CathH1 Premium Plus
yes, instagram is very targeted and easy to manipulate so you are playing right into peoples minds and hands :-)
Steve1958 Premium
Thanks Cath...
CathH1 Premium Plus
You're welcome Steve, hope that there was something in there for you :-)
Steve1958 Premium
Oh yes...
I haven't played with Instagram yet! lol
CathH1 Premium Plus
ah well then hopefully this has made it neat and simple for you. Let me know how you get on :-)
Steve1958 Premium
I will...:)
Austin065 Premium
Thank you for this I have always thought about making an Instagram. I'm defiantly going to make one now, nice training.
CathH1 Premium Plus
Glad you like it Austin, thank you.
I look forward to reading your training. I know Instagram is still Instagram but everyone does something a little different and we can always learn something new to do :-)
MKearns Premium
The struggle may be real but the result is ideal. Great training Cath. Successful deal!!!
CathH1 Premium Plus
So glad that you like it Mike, thank you :-)
I know it's only the basics of Instagram but you got to build the walls before you can put the roof on right? part 2 coming soon ;-)
As long as I am on the right tracks for the standard of training here in WA I am happy :-)
MKearns Premium
You've arrived Cath and only 4 walls to knock down to Ambassador!
CathH1 Premium Plus
thanks Mike, been knocking at door 28 for a week and can't seem to get in, it's tough at the top but I will get there :-)