The best online resource for selling your used books for quick money is BookScouter.

BookScouter compares bids from 58 book-buying websites so you can quickly and easily find who is paying the most for your unwanted books. You would be amazed at the variation in prices offered by different book-buying firms. You want to capture the best price for your books and BookScouter enables you to do this quickly and efficiently.

BookScouter is free with no registration required. And when you sell your books, the postage is paid for by the buyer.

I have used them with great success many times. Have a look at BookScouter (

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Lady May Premium
Great training many thx and very helpful to those who are wondering about direction :)
dstaple1490 Premium
Hello Lady May, Have not seen you since I started two months ago. How are you?
mjdimarco Premium
Thank you. I appreciate you visiting.
dstaple1490 Premium
great topic and first training. Dave.
mjdimarco Premium
Thank You.
Dmorrow Premium
Great first training! Although, I have to say, I have almost a library of books and don't think I could part with them. I know there are some I will never even look at again and I should, but I can't!

mjdimarco Premium
Thanks Debbie, Well, it's not for everybody. But for some, it's a great relief to lighten up on the stuff they no loner use and to be paid to do it.
MoritzS Premium
Unfortunately, I would never sell a book.
That's a no-no for me. ;)
mjdimarco Premium
Yup, it's not for everyone. But for some it may be a good idea.
fyre Premium Plus
Thank you! That's awesome!
mjdimarco Premium
I appreciate that. Thanks