3) Avoid Irrelevant words and characters.
We cannot overemphasize the need to make your URL simple and easy to understand. You don’t need to have all conjunctions, prepositions and punctuations in your URL. Google and other search engines can understand your shortened phrases without words like “and”, “the”, “that”, and so on
Your URL is not a place for word fillers. Ensure you purge your URL off irrelevant words. Your URL should be easily readable. Words like “and”, many times don’t add extra meaning to your URL. Worth noting is readability; much more we want to remove irrelevant words, but your URL should be readable. Users should be able to convey messages from the URL. Short and simple phrases can easily convey meaning.
Hyphens and underscore are common ways for us to separate words. But when it comes to URL, Google says use Hyphens and not underscore. It makes your URL readable for both human and search engines. Spaces are better avoided in URL. It translates to error.
To avoid Google truncating your URL and those losing characters that affect its readability, keep your URL as short as possible. Google will truncate it at anything beyond 60 characters. Thus, you can lose important words if it is too long.
4) URLs and Titles
Although your URLs are not to strictly match with your title word for word. Keeping your URL close to your title helps to achieve a good user experience on your article. You will create an expectation in the heart of users with the URL, on visiting your content, without reading your users can affirm from the title. So doing your user knows what they are set to read.