4. Google Search Console

It is a dedicated free tool from Google for website owners. It is essential in monitoring and maintaining your website status on Google Search results. They come handy when Google has a challenge with crawling to your website post. They send alerts and give tips on the causes and remedy of the challenge encounter.

Google Search console gives additional information on your website performance. It tells which keywords your website is ranking for, its performance in terms of clicks, total impression, average position and average CTR. Here is a full training from Magistudio on Google Search Console.

5. Easy Table of Content

    Reading a long piece of text can be boring and a lot of headaches some times. So you must be able to break your long form of text and make them readable. That is why a plugin like Easy table of content will rank amidst the best SEO plugin for WordPress.

    It is a table of content to make navigation easy on your post or page. It makes your work easy for your audience to read. It will improve the time spent on your page and reduce your bounce rate. It will have a positive impact on your SEO.

    Customizing the plugin is not difficult. You can decide on what you want to achieve with the plugin. You can decide where on your post the table of content will be inserted, and on which post should the table be inserted. You can also decide on the types of headers that should be included in the anchors.

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    Recent messages
    sandi32 Premium
    Very helpful information. I keep adding plugins to my site but, hopefully, they will all come in handy. Also, hope having too many doesn't slow my site.
    Parameter Premium

    I appreciate the time taken to see the training. Too many plugins will slow down you website. Remove Un used plugins, update the relevant ones.

    In fact I always monitor my website speed before and after adding any plugin. It's important

    lesabre Premium
    Hi Ayodeji, even though I do not use AIOSEO I am sure there will be something in your lesson I will learn.
    Thank you.

    Parameter Premium


    This is an accolade I must appreciate. A motivation to do more.
    Thank you Mike, for your kind words

    lesabre Premium
    Hi Ay, I learn a lot from you and I appreciate the lessons you share.

    Jessiefido Premium Plus
    Hi Ayodeji,

    This is an excellent assessment of what the best SEO plugins are for us to use with wordpress.

    I found it very informative and educational, thanks for taking the time to write this.
    Parameter Premium
    Thank you,

    Having a list of this plugins at our finger tips can always help us make right decisions and select that which is best fit for our business
    Jessiefido Premium Plus
    Very true Ayodeji, thanks again.
    Kingschido Premium
    Hello, and thanks for the training. Quite informative..
    Parameter Premium
    You are welcome kings,

    I am glad you found it informative

    GerLeijen Premium
    Thank you for this information Parameter, much appreciated.

    Parameter Premium
    Hi Ger,

    Thank you for the time taken to see the training. We work with plugins daily.
