Laser Focus

People who are driven love knowledge. Because they know that Knowledge Is Key! So, they soak up everything that comes there way refusing to be overwhelmed, rather filing everything away to use when the
time is right. They learn this today, that tomorrow, and another thing the day after tomorrow. They don’t really have any use for the information at the moment, but it is knowledge and, knowledge is key. They learn how to do this and do that and figure out what’s the best this or best that. Still, there is no need at the moment for what they are learning. (Not a criticism, as I am often guilty of these.)

All of this “getting” unintentionally forces the person into a difficult position of a general focus. The problem with a general focus is that it is not specific. (Deep, huh? LOL!). Knowing things in general is awesome, if
you can apply it to something specific. Otherwise, it just makes you good as answering trivia. So, unless your destination is the Jeopardy TV game show, trivia won’t do you much good. Developing and maintaining a laser focus is truly key. Without it you’re just wondering around not really knowing what you should be
doing. Don’t dismiss opportunities to learn or gather knowledge. But, you don’t have to spend time soaking it in, if you don’t need it for the task(s) at hand. Make note of whatever it is and revisit it later. Sometimes, you may even find that it has changed, which would mean that you didn’t clutter your brain with information that had become obsolete. A laser focus can save you time and energy, simply because you’ll be traveling on a much straighter line than taking all of the “off-ramps” that you do with a general focus.

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ferns4733 Premium
Pssssssss......sssss.....I am completely burnt out....22 days to get the first site up.
AnnieB Premium
I got al lot of good info out of this training post. Thank you feemo.
feemo Premium
Thank you! I'm glad it helped some.
Shields Premium
Thanks for your many ideas; we can all use them.
feemo Premium
You are right. Keep picking up good ideas hear and there and before you know it, we're at our destination ... Success!
feemo Premium
Thanks, Renewal! Stay focused and manage the chocolate, you'll be OK! :o)
Renewal Premium
Some great tips here. I'm certainly guilty of gathering all knowledge as it presents itself on an "I will need to know this at some stage" basis. Then I forget it anyway because I don't have any need to apply it yet. I need to remind myself often to focus on the task at hand and celebrate achieving it. Chocolate does it for me. :)