Building Relationships

The commenting system is one of the best ways to build relationships. Although it may take some time to build relationships at first, once you start doing it regularly you will notice a difference. You will also slowly build relationships with other bloggers and site administrators.

Will this practice offer you brand recognition? Let’s check…

Brand Recognition

You should stick to your niche whether you're commenting on a blog post or creating one. This will ensure that you drive relevant traffic to your site.

Even if your blog doesn't get comments at the beginning, it creates impressions that could lead to future engagements and even conversions. That's why traffic is important in the first place.

Now, let’s discuss how you can make the most from commenting on blogs for SEO!

What is the Best Way to Comment on Blogs for SEO?

This tactic is easy to use and not difficult. Simply comment under a blog post. Keep in mind that your comments must be relevant to what you want to accomplish or how you wish to position yourself.

It should offer value or draw some conclusions. It doesn't have to be all positive. You can also disagree with the author if you want. It's up to you to decide how and when to express this kind of opinion in a comment to a blog post.

It is a smart idea to make a list of relevant websites in your industry so you can access industry news and blog posts.

Don't worry about it. You should be fine as long as your links are relevant and provide value to the blogs that you post them on.

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JosephC00 Premium Plus
Thank you for your insightful article about blog comments.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You are so welcome Joseph.
Proprov Premium
I broke my pen taking notes!
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
I'll send you a packet of pens! ;-)
Proprov Premium
Now I'm the one laughing!!!

Proprov Premium
Oh my bleeping goodness!!
This got to me at the perfect time in my WA journey. I have been having an awful time stringing together a plan with many of the things that you touched on but had no idea how to coherently connect them. You are so appreciated!
Thank you!
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Hi Stephen, wow you made me really laugh. I know how you feel I remember trying to get my head around all the bits and pieces necessary. I'm delighted that you found so much value in my tutorial.

Feochadan Premium Plus
Awesome - hit the nail in the head!
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
That is great to hear, thanks.

AndyN1 Premium
Hi Lily
I must have known most of this before, but I think I forgot. It is good to be reminded of the importance of building relationships within your niche.
Thanks, much and best regards
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Hi Andy,
That's very nice of you to say. I guess we all need reminding as there is so much to remember.
