Data feed (or product feed); an organized list (a CSV, XLS, etc file) with certain products or attributes that can be advertised and compared in a unique way.
Deceptive advertising; unethical practices used to mislead the customer with false statements and claims, overestimated products and services, ambiguous photography, hidden fees, etc.
Deep linking; linking technique used to send a visitor to a given specific offer or second-, third-level category webpages (not the homepage) on the advertiser’s website.
Earning per click (or EPC); the average amount earned every single time when someone clicks your affiliate link; if 100 clicks generated a $25 profit, your EPC is 25 cents.
Evercookie; a Javascript-based programming interface used to create persistent, longevous cookies in a browser in order to identify a customer even after the classic cookies has expired or removed.
Feeder sites; a website or web page created specifically to generate traffic to another website using redirects.
First click; attribution model that gives the conversion credit for the first touch point – affiliate or marketing channel – connected to a given customer. At a certain point on the customer’s computer can exist more different, unexpired cookies for the very same merchant; the commission will be paid to the affiliate responsible for placing the first cookie.
Geo-targeting; targeting visitors, leads and customers exclusively from a specific country or geographical area.
Google algorithm; an extremely complex formula used by Google to rank a certain number of web pages resulted from a custom search query.
Grey hat; a mixture of white hat and black hat SEO (and online marketing) techniques.
Heat map; a visual two-dimensional color-based representation of where visitors focus on a given webpage.
HTML (or Hypertext Markup Language); a standardized coding language used to create web pages and web applications; the final code is a set of markup symbols – elements and tags – compiled in one file intended for display on a WWW browser page.
Hyperlink (or link); a clickable, usually highlighted text or image used to send or redirect a user to a different page or website.
Inbound marketing; in contrast to the traditional advertising-based outbound marketing methods, inbound marketing is focusing on attracting customers via SEO, content creation and social media.
Indie program; independent affiliate advertiser who runs his own in-house management software without being member of any affiliate network.