Note: Although I refer to using automated techniques in this guide, by no means do we encourage you to spam on Twitter. Doing so will only subvert your own efforts. Automation is suggested as merely a way to increase the efficiency of certain repetitive tasks. Remember, Automation is against the ToS (Terms of Service) of Twitter, Use at your own risk.

If you don't wish to use any sort of automation, or simply don't want to risk your account, then feel free to skip over this section and move onto the next lesson. If you want to give it a read to just learn a bit about it feel free to do so as well.

I don't want to scare anyone off by this. It's just a very grey area. Some marketers will frown upon and avoid automation. Others embrace it with open arms.

There are some things that are 100% against the ToS, and other's that are allowed. I would suggest reading every single piece of Twitters ToS (There's 3 pages or so) before deciding if you want to use any sort of automaton.

I myself, do use automation (I have too, in such a huge business, I can't be on Twitter as much as I have to be) I encourage any serious marketer to do the same, However, this is your own personal preference. I can't tell you what to do. What I can do, is give you simple facts, that using automation will increase your results.

There are a great number of automation software out there. Some are "shady" and some actually have the Approval of Twitter. Do your own research and find one that suits your needs and over all goals.

Some of the top and known automation software: Hootsuite, TweetDeck, Buffer, Tweet Jukebox.

Like I said, there are countless programs out there. Don't get sucked into the hype of someone's pitch line and end up getting your account banned.

The biggest question is:

What Can Be Automated and What Needs to Be Personal?

Automation can be a dirty word when it comes to social media, because there is no bigger turn-off on Twitter than realizing an account is nothing but an automated bot. But there are some forms of automation that can be helpful to incorporate for both yourself (to save time) and for your followers.

There is one automation services I use that I usually get a great response from followers. Tweet Jukebox. This service allows you to connect your Twitter account and schedule tweets from a database that you create. You can set this database to send out a tweet every X hour/minute and also have the option to repeat after X days. There are no limits on how big the database can be, and you can have multiple databases.

I have around 16 different databases. Some with 5,000 tweets in each. I can schedule them however I want.

Now, the key here is, no matter what service you are using, to make sure you are doing it right. As a marketing aspect you don't want to spam your feed 24/7 with links or tweets.

Have a database set up for business tweets, have one set up for SEO, have one set up for niche research, then have one set up to blast your blog articles. It's also nice to have one to attrach new followers as well.

I could write a complete training just on Twitter Automation alone. This is just giving you some simple tips. Feel free to leave a comment if you have any specicifc questions.

Overall, I find Twitter Automation very important in my business, as I stated, I can't be there 24/7.. But knowing that I still have tweets being sent out is giving me traffic, new follows, new leads, even while I'm sleeping.

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krazykat Premium
Nice! Thanks!
JohnCWS Premium
Thanks Krazy! Glad you enjoyed it.
Steve Premium
gotta agree with ginax, lots of good info there, john!
keep em coming...
all the best
JohnCWS Premium
Thanks Steve. I hope you can add some of these methods into your own Twitter campaigns. Let me know how it goes for you. If you need any help, just let me know!
ginax Premium
Great post John. I learned a lot.
JohnCWS Premium
Hey Gina. Thanks so much for the comment and I really hope you enjoyed the read. Not only that, but also I hope you add some of these tips into your Twitter methods and future campaigns! If ya need any help, just shoot me a message!
ginax Premium
Sure I will! I am new to Twitter but I'm already thrilled by the possibilities it can open up. Will analyze your lessons and methods :)
JohnCWS Premium
Be sure to go through Robert's Part I and Part II of the Twitter basics... Then go through mine for the advanced stuff =) Take your time and don't get too overwhelmed -- Twitter can give you a headache just as fast as the other Social Media Platforms.
ginax Premium
Yeah, social media and its possibilties can be overwhelming indeed. Bookmarked both trainings, thanks John :)
JohnCWS Premium
Don't be hesitant to ask Robert or myself any questions on either training module. Twitter is easily set-up, but takes awhile to master.
ginax Premium
So true :)
colin3000 Premium
This is some great info. I haven't read all the way through yet, but I can tell it will be helpful. Twitter is a terrific resource. Thanks for writing this up.
JohnCWS Premium
No problem Colin. Take your time and go through Roberts Basic training first. Then come back to mine and go through it. Twitter is a great asset when used the proper way. Be sure to hit that like button if you found it useful! Thanks as always!
colin3000 Premium
Done--thanks for pointing that out!
MelindaH Premium
Wow John! This is a long one. Too late (or early, however you look at it). I'll have to come back and read it.
I have Twitter, but I've only been on it a couple of times recently. I used to use TweetDeck. It was soo much easier to use for Twitter.
JohnCWS Premium
Yea, it's a pretty long guide I must admit. But it's only the tip of the iceberg as far as information goes. So much more info out there. Hope ya enjoy the read when ya get the chance. Be sure to go through Robert's first and get the basics done, then come back to mine to finish.
MelindaH Premium
Will do...and will do. :P