Ad txt upload FTP
Now you have to upload the Adsense downloaded text file to your root directory on your website.
If you are not familiar with using FTP go to this trainingBackup Your Website With FTP
At 5:58 at this training, Marion is accessing the httpdocs, after the doubleclick you can drag and drop the ad. txt file.
When you have downloaded Filezilla and accessed your website on it, the only thing you have to do is drag and drop the adsense ad.txt file to the httpdocs directory
And after that you can check your url
When you check it now, you'll get a 404, after adding the ad.txt file you will see your, pub-00000000000000000, DIRECT, f0000000000000a0 code
While you are there, you might as well finish this training and create a full FTP backup from your website to your computer.