This may seem redundant but when you are uploading them they go to a library on wordpress for you to use when you want. Creating the gallery is selecting the photos and telling it you want those photos in a gallery themselves.

So click the "Create Gallery" button in the lower right hand corner to create the gallery.

Once you have the gallery, you can rearrange the photos to the order you would like. You can also choose the number of columns you want to have as well.

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TJ Books Premium
Is the first page missing? It looks like it starts in the middle of things. John
skyhorse Premium
It starts at the end actually. This was my first one and so I put it backwards in order. Lol
guy0404 Premium
For a second I thought it took me to the last page :)anyway,thanks for the training.
Sherion Premium
Wow! I just did everything backwards and it still worked. :) You did good. I just had to say that. But, thanks for this post because I learned something today again.
skyhorse Premium
Awesome. Glad I could create a training that helped people. Great thing to know how to do as well. Look out for the one that is the same material just in the correct order lol.
ericrk7 Premium
Nice Touch! That should help out your horse business! They know you're not "monkeying" around, you mean serious business!
skyhorse Premium
Thanks! I wanted to show people I actually do what I am talking about. My photo shoot with Snickers, the second one in the pics, is really soon. So I'll be able to have maybe one of Windy, and one of Snickers. Oh, that's a good idea.
skyhorse Premium
Ok, so I totally messed up. They are in the wrong order. You have to go from 5-1. Come on, it's my very first one. Lol. I'm laughing so you can too.
nathaniell Premium
Lol. I read "CONGRATULATIONS!!! You now just added your photo gallery." and thought, "wow, that sure was easy!"

No problem, I'm sure people can figure it out. You've got to start somewhere, right? Was this your first training?
skyhorse Premium
Yep, first training that I ever created. I did it though, right? Next one will be in the correct order.

I love it, "wow, that was easy." To funny.
choppydo Premium
Funny! You had me thinking that I got trolled.