Something that may come as a bit of surprise is that you don’t download Outline Master. It’s a web-based product accessible by web browser only. That said, it’s Mac- friendly and PC-friendly. Once you are logged into the member’s area, you start by entering four pieces of information that you want to create an outline for. It’s going to look something like this:

Once you have filled in the form click to continue, and the software will continue to generate an outline for you. My book was about informing performing artists on how to get money from the state. This is what I got:

You are then ready to rearrange the order, deleting or adding, as you see fit.

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Trujunco Premium
Thank you for this review,Thabo. This is of great benefit to me as my own process is not near as organized nor efficient. I do agree with your caution regarding writing robots and this is something that is vitally important for me to be aware of in my own effort.
ThaboN Premium
You're welcome, Trujunco. Thanks for checking in.

joekeriii Premium
Thanks Thabo, I'm going to try this. :-)
ThaboN Premium
You're welcome. As I said, good writing persuades. This tool helps you organize your thoughts in a way that makes it easier to connect your ideas and ultimately to craft your message. That said, another non-tech tool that a lot of public relations writers use is The Direction Sheet. You pick a topic and simply write a list of questions that you think should be addressed. You then answer as many questions as you think you need to--some direction sheets have as much as 25 questions . Most times you won't need that many. After you are done, you'll have your "Direction Sheet". You will then easily be able to see which points are important and which aren't.

I sometimes use a direction sheet when I want to quickly pin point my main ideas. I also tweak post templates that I have constructed from my years of writing article for the web. The bottom line is that you have to use what works for you. No one will ever be good at your style than you.
GautamWorld Premium
Thanks for sharing. :)
ThaboN Premium
You are welcome. Thanks for the feedback.
onmyownterms Premium
Thanks for sharing this tool with us.
ThaboN Premium
It was my pleasure.