Method 4: Track and Monitor Your Feedbacks

You need to ensure you're monitoring your email feedbacks. Without working on this, you could actually be missing out on your chances. Make an MS Excel sheet to keep track of your email replies.

You'll likewise need to ensure you're keeping track of new links as you get them. This makes it simpler to keep track of the numerical value of links generated and their respective costs so you can plan to spend successfully and meet your link targets in no distant time.

There are various tactics to generate links. Writing guest posts is one of the simplest and most productive external link building strategies you can ever implement. Whatever your tactic is, if you're diligent and consistent, you are bound to gain higher search engine rankings.


Were you told that content is KING when it comes to building out a blog and getting ranked in Google and other major search engines? Yes, content is truly KING but without building links, you may not reach the higher Page Rank in a lifetime.

Do your research well, you’ll find that sites with lots of active users and numerous activities still get a lower Google PageRank score than sites that have lots of quality content and build tons of high-quality external links without having other users working actively on them.

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MoonDream Premium
Great training! I didn't know about My Blog Guest but I'll certainly have a look at it!
AlanJE Premium Plus
Thanks for the useful training, Israel, Alan.
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for stopping by, Alan! You're much welcome on board. There are basically two major blogging routines to be observed on an everyday basis in order to become successful in no distant time: Building out quality, topically-relevant, & compelling content; and building high-quality backlinks. This is a sure roadmap to success in the online world. Thanks for contributing!

Israel Olatunji
kpercival55 Premium
Thanks for sharing Israel,
This is a strategy I haven’t made use of to date but am anxious to try.
Great training!
Israel17 Premium
You are much welcome, KyleAnn. Thanks for stopping by and kudos for leaving a valuable thought! Yes, you need a simple link building strategy to improve your Google Page Rank score and you can implement the white hat SEO strategy to accomplish this in no distant time. Thanks for visiting! See you at the top soon!

Israel Olatunji
FKelso Premium Plus
Thanks for the thorough discussion of link building tactics.
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for stopping by, FKelso! Yes, link building has been ignored by some struggling veteran bloggers and it's making such people lag behind in the online market. What most people have failed to realize about building links is that it's an extremely crucial ranking signal in Google's search algorithm.

So, friend, if you've been working diligently and persistently on content alone (Not building links at all), know that you're going to rank in the real sense but not at the topmost level at all. With building out content alone, it may take you through a period of 13-14 years to reach the Google PageRank score of 6/10, whereas, you can reach up to 8.0/10 in a couple of years if you're building both content and links.

Warning: Keep in mind that you're going to get slapped by search engines if you try implementing the black hat SEO strategy to build links. This is a clear signal to Google and other major search engines that you're building low-quality links which is subject to severe penalty. Thanks for contributing!

Israel Olatunji
FKelso Premium Plus
Question: We've been told to put in at least one internal link and one external link. I am assuming these are in addition to any affiliate links you may have in the post. Do you feel that one internal and one external are enough?
Israel17 Premium
Not at all, FKelso! The kind of links you need to boost your Google Page Rank score as talked about in this tutorial is different from the affiliate links you're talking about here. You might be used writing content alone and that may likely prevent you from improving your ranking on time.

You actually need hundreds and even thousands of quality backlinks for your blog to rank high in search engines and some of the ways to accomplish this has been suggested in the tutorial among many others. If you still need more awesome ways to build high-quality backlinks to your site, don't hesitate to get back to me. Thanks for stopping by!

Israel Olatunji