Be storyteller!
People love reading/hearing stories.
First, you need to get people’s attention. For example, start by citing a first-hand experience from your life or people you know.
Introduce an emotional element such as happiness or lack of self-confidence. Be honest about your emotional experiences. In most cases, your honesty will disarm people. Be honest about your emotional experiences. In most cases, your honesty will disarm people.
Remember, effective stories are not boring facts. Effective stories are emotional responses that make people remember them.
Give your readers a chance to identify with your story or its characters. Your goal is to create an emotional context that will stick in your readers’ minds.
Make your story simple and memorable. Refrain from using complex vocabulary most people don’t understand.
Connect the morale of such examples to your post like many effective commercials do at the end. Having this said, let me tell you the outcome of the story from the beginning of this training.
I think it is more of 99-1 percent rule. 99 percent of what I do I can teach others to do, however that little remaining 1 percent is all me!
It is cool to see how this moves over into affiliate marketing. Great read and thanks for sharing.