1 - Use of Branded Hashtags

As a brand, it is advisable to create custom hashtags you could use for grouping content that you created.

This will make it easier for new followers to access important posts that you created about your business, product, or service. It's also a great way of protecting your brand from newly-captured leads on Instagram.

If you are in the practice of running campaigns on Instagram, it would do you a lot of good to create branded hashtags for campaigns.

It makes it easier for followers and customers to keep up with happenings around your brand and possibly make meaningful contributions.

The use of branded hashtags also helps to remove the promotional feeling around your Instagram posts instead of replacing it with a more personal vibe.

2 - Join in Popular Conversations

You probably have so much information to pass across to your Instagram followers and customers. However, it does your brand better to sometimes remove the spotlight from itself and focus on what others are saying.

This may involve the use of popular hashtags in order to join the conversation. But hey, it does your brand so much good when you participate in such conversations, especially those centered on your niche or industry.

3 - Be Unique

By their very nature, brands are designed to stand out from the crowd; to be unique in their own way. This uniqueness should also be displayed in all the brand's interactions that are happening on Instagram.

The fact that others are creating Instagram posts in a certain way doesn't mean that your brand has to fit in. There should be uniqueness in the hashtags you use, the way you craft and deliver your messages.

And while at it, you can throw in a mix of fun to spice up your Instagram captions using creative hashtags.

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Ahimbe Premium
Instagram is a platform I haven't used much.
This training has changed my perspective.
Israel17 Premium
That's good to know, Ahimbe. Instagram is one of the most powerful social media to leverage when it comes to building social traffic. Thanks for stopping by!

Israel Olatunji
JKulk1 Premium
The are a couple of tips in your training hat I haven't tried yet, but I definitely will now. Jim
Israel17 Premium
So amazing, Jim! Thanks for appreciating my Instagram Marketing training! Sorry, I couldn't respond on time! I've been having issues logging in to my account for days now.

Israel Olatunji
JosephC00 Premium Plus
Thank you for the lesson on how to increase my Instagram followers.
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for reading, Joseph! Much appreciated! The traffic on Instagram cannot be underestimated. Brands are getting Instagram traffic to their websites and we can as well do the same to reach a wider audience. Thanks for stopping by!

Israel Olatunji
PaulaSchmitz Premium
Hi Israel! Thank you for adding so much value to Wealthy Affiliate. You are truly an asset to this platform. Greetings from Wisconsin, my friend! Paula :)
Israel17 Premium
Thanks so much for your words of encouragement and power, Paula! I remain loyal and grateful, my awesome friend! Glad you enjoyed my Instagram marketing tutorial!

Israel Olatunji