7 - Take Advantage of Influencer Marketing

An influencer is someone who enjoys a large number of followers through their sites, blogs, and/or social media platforms. You can find ways to work with influencers in your niche or industry on Instagram.

The first step in achieving this is to find out those influencers that are in your niche. After you have been able to do this, the next step to take is "Turn on Post Notifications", so you'll be notified each time the influencer shares a post.

By interacting with their content, you will be able to build a relationship that can blossom into something rewarding in the near future.

8 - Explore the Use of Event-based Hashtags

You can take advantage of popular events taking place around you to drive awareness and engagement with your brand. These could be industry-targeted events such as seminars, workshops, conferences or they could be events that are local.

For example, you can take advantage of Super Bowl to drive awareness of your brand through its hashtag. Since events gather a lot of attention, you too can profit from some of that attention.


Increasing your Instagram followers is no rocket science as lots of people have found out. You need to develop and implement the right tactics in order to witness the growth you so desire.

These 8 tips will work for you as they have worked for me and many others who cared about getting more Instagram followers.

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Ahimbe Premium
Instagram is a platform I haven't used much.
This training has changed my perspective.
Israel17 Premium
That's good to know, Ahimbe. Instagram is one of the most powerful social media to leverage when it comes to building social traffic. Thanks for stopping by!

Israel Olatunji
JKulk1 Premium
The are a couple of tips in your training hat I haven't tried yet, but I definitely will now. Jim
Israel17 Premium
So amazing, Jim! Thanks for appreciating my Instagram Marketing training! Sorry, I couldn't respond on time! I've been having issues logging in to my account for days now.

Israel Olatunji
JosephC00 Premium Plus
Thank you for the lesson on how to increase my Instagram followers.
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for reading, Joseph! Much appreciated! The traffic on Instagram cannot be underestimated. Brands are getting Instagram traffic to their websites and we can as well do the same to reach a wider audience. Thanks for stopping by!

Israel Olatunji
PaulaSchmitz Premium
Hi Israel! Thank you for adding so much value to Wealthy Affiliate. You are truly an asset to this platform. Greetings from Wisconsin, my friend! Paula :)
Israel17 Premium
Thanks so much for your words of encouragement and power, Paula! I remain loyal and grateful, my awesome friend! Glad you enjoyed my Instagram marketing tutorial!

Israel Olatunji