If you’re unable to do any of these, do not panic. This is just a scaled-down example. There are quite a lot more Gigs created, bought and sold frequently. To pick an idea of what to sell on Fiverr, browse around the platform and have a look at the type of services or products people buy. Some are pretty simple, while others may be extremely hard.
1. Plan Your Gig
To start selling, you need to first plan your services (Gigs). The key point is letting your reasoning run a little fierce and see what you can create.
Draw a list of expertise that you possess or concepts you could leverage and perform some searches through Fiverr to find out if anyone else is already creating something identical, how many positive or negative reviews they’ve got, how much they charge per service, and more. This will give you a clue if a market exists for your chosen product or service.
If it’s a service or product someone else is already selling, it’s a good signal that a market exists for it. All you need to keep in mind is trying to stand out from the crowd.
Consider whatever you’re interested in or good at. If you believe you don’t have any expertise to sell, then try learning one. As far as learning skills is concerned, you can leverage the numerous YouTube video tutorials out there that teach the various skills to earn from in no distant time.
Having said that, most Gigs created on Fiverr aren’t even such that require much expertise at all; so, it’s something every common man can do.
Having taken some time to look around the platform, got used to Fiverr and created your own free Fiverr account, it is high time you got started.