Minify JavaScript and CSS...

"JavaScript and CSS are types of files on your site that users have to download to view your pages. Minifying your code means getting rid of any comments, whitespace, or characters that are unnecessary in the files.

This makes your page load faster because it creates smaller files without compromising how they execute.

You can minify your JavaScript and CSS manually, but it’s typically better to work with a minifying tool so that you don’t introduce new errors.

Plugins like W3 Total Cache, which we already mentioned, can help with this since this one has a “minify” setting. Otherwise, try the JavaScript and CSS minify tools at"

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LarryLozada Premium
Thanks mate. I need this training to speed up my webpage loading time.
Steve1958 Premium
Hi Larry...
I'm please this info will help you out!
ChrisScott Premium
Hey, Steve. Great training mate!! What's "Page Speed"?
LarryLozada Premium
Page Speed is the the speed of webpage to load. It is how fast does it load from a visitors perspective...
ChrisScott Premium
Oh, okay
Steve1958 Premium
Looks like you got an answer from a few eager beavers!
How fast your page downloads when somebody finds you!
Have been at the hospital all day...will be in touch soon...
From downunder!
ChrisScott Premium
Hey, buddy. I was messing with you but it is nice to know people care.
cosmicradio Premium
tagged this, Steve.
Steve1958 Premium
Simowatto Premium
great stuff BUT how do I remove render blocking Javascript when I do not even know what it is lol.
ChrisScott Premium
Lol. I love ❤️ the honesty, Simon. Go to your website directly. There will be a small "i " in a circle to the immediate left of the domain in your browser. Click it and then a panel will open and click on details.

It doesn't matter if you have render blocking JavaScript, it just doesn't need to be in the fold. Move it to the bottom.
Steve1958 Premium
Now that TB has you sorted out...
Are you wiser now Simon? lol
Steve1958 Premium
Thank you TB...
Moocho appreciated!
ChrisScott Premium
You are very welcome, buddy.
ChrisScott Premium
I need to make a trainer on this if I could find the time.
martycanaday Premium
Hey, thanks for this training, Steve. I really needed this today. I look forward to learning from this training piece. Thanks so much!
Steve1958 Premium
You're welcome Marty!