2. Product Comparison

You can also compare products that are similar to each other. You may find it hard to decide which product is worth your money due to the number of products offering almost the same features.

Product comparisons provide a much better way to compare products than roundups, with only a few product descriptions. Your readers will be able to see the actual products in action, so you can show how you made smoothies at home with your hand blender and how long it took.

How can you decide which products you want to compare? You can start by asking your readers or followers what products they might be interested in. Ask them to compare products on your channel.

3. How-to Articles and Tutorials

How-to articles and tutorials are my favorite. I use them whenever I have to learn something new. The article or video will show me exactly what I need to do. I can see how someone did it and the results, which will determine if I’m doing things correctly. Tutorial creators usually include what else to do if it doesn’t work out as planned.

This is where you get your chance to make more sales. You can possibly show your followers how you use a particular product to accomplish a task. The tutorial must be relevant to your audience and relate to something they might need.

Tutorials make excellent video content. Your audience can see how you use the products you promote and the results you have achieved using them. You can also promote SaaS apps and solutions by creating a video tutorial. This will allow you to show viewers how each feature works, making it easier later on.

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Jenell44 Premium
Another great tutorial, Lily. Thank you.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You are welcome.
StephenThiam Premium
Thanks for a lot of nice ideas to get increased sales. You are really resourceful. I will think over how to apply on my niche. Thank you.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
I'm sure that you will come up with some great ideas Stephen.

Zoopie Premium
Very nice tips on content that converts. 8~)
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Thanks Stephen.
Lily 😁🎶
Sunshine59 Premium
Hi Lily,
Thanks so much for posting this very
impormative blog. Its just really meet what
im anticipating to know more.
Keep the good job always Lily. You do helping many if us here
I highly app
reciate this.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You are welcome Leonie.
Sunshine59 Premium
Tnx Lily..:()
muslimah Premium
Great tips on writing blog content that converts.
Thank you, Lily
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You are welcome Muslimah.
Have a great week.

muslimah Premium
Thank you.
Have a pleasant week.