
You now have 23 ways to save up to$3,000 a year for your business. If you work wise and apply as many as possible you may even save more. Put these savings into your business because money sitting in a bank account makes far less money than putting that cash to work making more cash. Buy things like your Wealthy Affiliate membership, automation tools like Social Media management and Autoresponders, and put anything extra into native ads or purchased content to scale up your own efforts.

Your challenge:

Think of 1 new way to save money I didn't cover in this training. Add it in the comments below. Be sure to click like if this training has helped you find at least one money saving habit you didn't have before.

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rohitp123 Premium
You are welcome sir you are already success .
IncomeLegion Premium Plus
I see myself as a success story in the making, I battle, and fight each day but with tips like these, I can still invest in tomorrow.
AnitaLouise Premium
Great tips! Thanks
IncomeLegion Premium Plus
Thank you and thanks for a GREAT Smile.
rohitp123 Premium
Very good sir u are great rhanks
Mick18 Premium
Lot of great ideas, thanks a lot.
IncomeLegion Premium Plus
Glad I could help Mick.
ashdew Premium
Good list. A couple more:
- Cycling to work/shopping
- Coupons/deals for shopping
IncomeLegion Premium Plus
Both are on the list but can't be said enough, more health less fuel and a body the other sex will love.