First 5 Tips to Save Money – Don't worry I haveplenty more.

#1 Car Care – By ensuring proper tire inflation, proper fluid levels, on time oil changes andtire rotations, regular use of B-12 Chem Tool and Lucas Transmission Stabilizers and oil Treatments, and last but not least removing any UN-needed weight such as dirt and grime.

Even objects left in the vehicle we can help increase our gas mileage by up to 4 miles per gallon, that’s 40 more miles of travel on 10 gallons of gas and it adds up fast if you work more than a mile from home. Don’t forget air and fuel filters, PCV valves on Fords and anything else your mechanic tellsyou zaps fuel when it’s worn should be added to your preventative maintenance list.

Your car is one of the biggest areas of savings, the average American drives more than 10,000 miles a year in vehicles that get on average 25 miles per gallon. Even a 1 MPG increase could save over $500 a year.

#2 Walking to Work - If you work under 2 miles from work you can consider riding a bike or walking to work to save Gas and beat any potential fuel and time eaters like traffic and construction. In the process your health will improve cutting many medical cost down the line.

#3 Car Pooling - Work more than 2 miles away make use of car pools and public transportation to get savings if your car gets less than 30MPG. Hybrids and Electric Cars ignore this You ROCK. A Car Pool for those who don't know is a group of people who trade off the task of driving to work and they add up the fuel cost and split it. Even a split between 2 people saves you 50% on to work fuel cost.

#4 Air Conditioning your Car –When you use the air conditioner you reduce gas mileage because another set of belts and motors has to be used to handle this process. By using your windows to cool on as many days as possible you save gas and get fresh air. Turn on Auto A/C only when needed.

#5 Breakfast and Lunch during WorkWeek - I know you get pressed for time but waking even 30-45 minute earlier to fix sack lunches and eat breakfast before leaving for work saves a massive amount of money over fast food on the way in and even a salad for lunch. What's more is you control what you eat and will have more time for proper digestion allowing even more health-care savings down the line.

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rohitp123 Premium
You are welcome sir you are already success .
IncomeLegion Premium Plus
I see myself as a success story in the making, I battle, and fight each day but with tips like these, I can still invest in tomorrow.
AnitaLouise Premium
Great tips! Thanks
IncomeLegion Premium Plus
Thank you and thanks for a GREAT Smile.
rohitp123 Premium
Very good sir u are great rhanks
Mick18 Premium
Lot of great ideas, thanks a lot.
IncomeLegion Premium Plus
Glad I could help Mick.
ashdew Premium
Good list. A couple more:
- Cycling to work/shopping
- Coupons/deals for shopping
IncomeLegion Premium Plus
Both are on the list but can't be said enough, more health less fuel and a body the other sex will love.