CMS or Content Management System, is basically a techie way of saying that it is an easy to use system where you can edit your articles and content without having to know any coding.

The olden days

Well, a few years ago anyway. You see before Wordpress and similar platforms became available, we had to use standard HTML websites, which mean that even just to add or change some text, you had to dig into the code.

Not good, and not easy!

With Wordpress though you don’t need to touch the code to edit the content.

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Very informativ!
TJ Books Premium
Great start! Now for me to go to the next one. John
Acklins Premium
Nice article this is what I really need to improve my education.
Carson Premium Plus
Hey Acklins, please let me know if there is anything I can help with in regards to your training here at Wealthy Affiliate. Getting your wordpress website up ad running is a huge accomplishment as it will set you up to be able to drive traffic, publish content, and generate sales!
ToddT182 Premium
This is awesome!, I'm going through it as I'm sure there's a bunch of stuff I could use a little help to understand better. Thanks again man!!
Carson Premium Plus
Awesome stuff Dean, I'm really looking forward to the series that you have just created on WordPress. It's going to benefit so many people to have this awesome training.