A Snails Pace Is Still Moving Forward

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I started this new venture in life with as close to no skills as probably anyone could get. I knew I would have a lot to learn. I tried my best from the start not let myself feel bad about moving at a snails pace. No knowledge of the lingo and not an online shopper. I tried to remind myself to "snoop" Facebook once a day but often missed that goal. I had to do it though because for some reason, which I still don't understand, most of my family members live on there. If I don't get on there I could miss out on a family funeral because there's no way they're going to pick up a phone and call or text me. I find it frustrating. I get on there and lose track of time so easily and I don't like that one bit. But I love my family so I do it anyway.

See that swirling shell?

I look at this snail's shell and see how I keep having to go back around again to see how to do things or where to find them again. Sometimes I think I'm just moving in circles. It was easier for me to grasp onto new things when I was younger, you know like in my 40s. Seems I am moving at a snails pace every day, but hey I am moving forward. Every time I get a new challenge and I actually remember where to go to find the tool that I need I feel its a success. I learn visually so the videos, though I may watch some of them more than once are very helpful for me. I am making progress, and that's a good thing.

I am thankful for the people helping me

I Look at the pretty flower and it reminds me that even though I'm going slow I am in a beautiful place and heading for that green leaf. I have people who are helping me along the way. People who want me succeed and give me the information I need to take the next step in moving forward toward my goals. Not like some family members who think this is impossible. A group that I can go to any time of the day or night when I feel stuck. That group of people are beautiful to me like the flower and they (you) are helping me to get closer to my intended goal each day.

Ah that green leaf

See that green leaf? That, my friend is the goal that I am moving forward toward reaching. First off look at it. If I'm that snail that leaf IS FOOD! And who doesn't always want something yummy to nibble on, right? Besides without food I'm dead. Secondly, those flowers and leaves will help provide shelter. If I (the snail) need to hide from a predator the flowers and leaves will help with that. If I need a place to rest out of the hot sun they'll provide me with shade. Thirdly, ITS GREEN, you know like money. It takes money to buy the things we need. Unlike that snail who gets its food and shelter just by looking for it and taking it. I have to earn money for my food, shelter, and other needs.

I thank you all for helping

As I continue each day to inch ever closer to my goals I thank all those who lend helping words, an encouraging word, an informative word, and put up with my ignorance. Little by little I'll be continuing every day moving forward at a snails pace, but that's okay because it is still moving in the right direction. And if you ever see some really goofy stuff like a tag that says "you're it" that could just be me. Because every time I see "tags" that's the first thing that comes to my mind. Success, my friends, is on the horizon. Not just for me, but for us.

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Recent Comments


You bet it is, Tina! As long as you're moving forward, you WILL achieve your goals!

As long as you are moving in the right direction, you will reach your destination.

Hi Tina. I enjoy your comments because, as an older person they fit me very well. I also have been so thankfull to those wiling to assist me with progress. Love your little story about the picture. I find that pictures give me lots of inspiration to write and blog in relation t o my site. the way you used the picture is delightful. It looks like you have a fertile imagination that will take you far. have a blessed day.

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