"Misleading Content"
I think we can all agree that misleading content is the fastest way to destroy trust.
I refuse to mislead or manipulate my potential clients. I always put myself in the position of my audience based on my personal life experiences.
I eliminate every aspect that would be a deterrent or a deceptive practice.
My main goal as a WA representative affiliate is to give out the best, most accurate, information I can, with a totally unbiased position.
I focus on the strengths of the WA platform and what I love about the community here.
I direct my primary focus "to not over inform anyone" about the WA platform, simply for one reason....
People are similar but none of us is the same. We all respond differently and often are led in directions with many different variables, especially searching online.
Each person will have a different experience, I feel my job as an affiliate is to point out the best qualities that everyone can benefit from regardless of their past experience.
Then when people come in...WA is the experience...or not.
I have been self-employed for many years and for me business ethics are a top priority if my name is attached to the business in any way.
Integrity and honor must come before financial gains. I keep in mind some very important aspects...
- Most everyone will be skeptical in the beginning, developing trust online is nearly impossible these days due to deceptive practices and scams.
- Most people just want to test and try things out and do not want commitments of any kind.
- People need a chance to settle in, the newcomer is overloaded with information and will likely need time to adjust, and to develop trust, and or a progressive interest here at WA.
- My primary focus was to bring in people to see for themselves if this is the right fit for them.
- If it is not the right fit or time, I want to leave a positive impression, regardless if they choose to join.
I always remember how many negative experiences I have had, and how much time and money I wasted on scams and influencers. Many other people have likely had similar experiences and will take more time to build that trust.
The Wealthy Affiliate platform is awesome and I love it, however, I do realize people could feel differently and may need time to just learn, ask questions, and feel the place out.
Additionally, many people may just be looking into starting an online business, I feel our goal here at WA is to inspire them and help them. If people feel like they can get actual help starting a business, they probably will. If they are getting help here..why would they go somewhere else?
I have been self-employed for nearly 20 years, and real honest business is better than ill-gotten gains.
"The Webmaster"
Recent Comments
Excellent take on this, Kenneth! Customer service first! When we put our reader's best interests first, monetary gain will eventually follow!
Your blog is on point
It is all about trust
Whatever we do, our customers should always be the first and foremost point in our minds
And that means us building and facilitating trust