24 wa zoom groups
Here’s an idea…
WA is considered to have a “community“ and that is appealing to most people. It’s an attractive feature within the Wealthy Affiliate platform.
What if we had a 1 hour ZOOM Meeting where WA Members could meet and bond and share?
Ther will be 24 WA Zoom Groups. Why 24? Because there are 24 hours in a day. Each group is based on a Time Zone, so member that attend are in a specific time zone. The Zoom happens weekly/monthly at HIGH NOON lunch hour. So depending on where you are located in the world would determine the group you are in.
Share your thoughts 💭😊
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I believe @Kyle should be brought into this topic. It's a great idea. I'd be on-board. It's probably been discussed at some point but that's speculation!
Magic happens. The again, you need to give it a nudge. Zoom Group meetings would be great!
Maxine :)
Great Idea magic brad, I have had a lot of experience with
zoom meetings, I think that's a good idea
I think it should be done internally with WA heading it up so it stays in compliance with WA stuff.
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Hi Brad
I like this idea although I wouldn't want to be limited to my timezone as I have friends all over the world that I'd like to catch up with.
I also think that 24 groups would be a lot to manage, but maybe 3 groups that anyone could join in might be manageable. After all, some of us are early birds, some are night owls, and some are the twilight in between! :)
Have you met your global friends in person yet?