From Product Review to $625: A Pleasant Surprise in My Mailbox (True Story)

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Receiving an unexpected check in the mail is always a pleasant surprise. Recently, I had a surprising moment of getting a $625 commission (via check) that I wasn't expecting.

In this post, I want to share the story behind this unexpected windfall and the valuable lessons I learned.

Updating my address

It all started with an email from someone who mentioned that my address was not updated in their records. Intrigued, I reached out to find out more.

As it turned out, this person was part of an affiliate program I had written a product review over three years ago.

As part of their guidelines, they mail out checks to their affiliates. However, as I had moved since then, they needed me to update it to ensure the check reached out to me.

This experience taught me the importance of keeping my information current.

Lessons learned

  1. Don't doubt yourself when writing a blog post:

One of the most significant lessons I learned from this experience was the crucial role of believing in the value given in my content.

Reflecting on that product review I wrote three years ago, I could not have foreseen the possibility of that happening.

This experience served as a reminder that every blog post has the potential to create a meaningful impact, reinforcing the importance of having unwavering confidence in the value of my work.

  1. Time and effort required to see desired results:

This experience also reinforced the notion that success often requires patience and perseverance.

Three years had passed since I wrote that product review; yet no longer actively promoting this affiliate program, the reward finally arrived.

It served as a reminder that good things come to those who wait and that consistent effort can yield long-term benefits.

What’s crazy is that I haven't updated the product review in a long time. Yet the product review gets traffic and interest.

It may be a good time to review and update the product review. Who knows what I'll get from it next?

  1. Understanding the concept of passive income:

Receiving a check out of the blue highlighted the concept of passive income.

By creating valuable content that resonated with others, I had unknowingly set in motion a stream of income that continued to flow even years later.

This realization sparked a renewed interest in exploring other avenues for generating passive income.

This instance of receiving a $625 check in the mail is a testament to the effectiveness of the Wealthy Affiliate training.

Despite the doubts and criticisms from negative reviews online, it is clear that the training works when you commit to following through and taking action.

The training provided by WA equips individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to create valuable content that can generate passive income.

WA remains strong after being around for 18 years and continues to get better every year.

This unexpected windfall proves that by trusting the process and persevering, one can see tangible results and reap the rewards of their efforts.

Final Words

My recent experience of receiving a $625 commission taught me valuable lessons about the power of persistence, self-belief, and passive income.

It served as a reminder that our efforts can have far-reaching effects, whether small or insignificant.

So, let this encourage us to continue pursuing our passions and creating content that adds value to others' lives.

Who knows what surprises may come our way as a result?

What do you think?

Here are some questions to engage with your readers on this topic:

  1. What valuable lessons have you learned from unexpected windfalls or surprising experiences?
  2. How do you stay motivated and persistent, especially when results may materialize?
  3. Have you ever doubted whether your value is small or content or work?

Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences below.

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Recent Comments


Nice writing, however, it is only 625 dollars, and 3 Years LATER! How much time and effort did you put into the affiliate marketing program that you reviewed? I mean, it's not like you were following through with it the whole time, this is just luck and an algorithm working in your favor, unless from now on you are receiving a recurring 625 dollar commission check every so often as a result, or like it was hitting these margins when you were unreachable and is still continuing to gain, and therefore, if I were you, I'd reinstate the affiliate marketing program that went with that, since you said you're no longer promoting, maybe this is your sign to not give up on that. I mean, since you're starting to see results, why not? It can only grow, and now you can do SEO and other things to have it be findable if it's just about gaining traffic to the review, or do people have to order said product after reading your review via a link? Also, what product, I am so curious about that? I am not disregarding anything, but I wanted to point out a little exaggerated use of the word "windfall" and little misleading info when you say to not give up and have faith in what you write. I don't know, just seems lucky to me. Anything on the internet gets viewed most of the time, I had 228 sessions in 2 days on my Shopify but there were no sales, I'm great at driving traffic, just not so much at conversions, any ideas on how to improve that? I can sell anything to anyone, almost in person. I don't know if that could be the problem, that it's not in-person and they can walk away so to speak. How do you get it so no one walks away on the net? We affiliates and drop shippers have to inflate the original costs, usually to gain a profit as well, and there's such things as market research blocking us from this goal.

Hey Kelly! You have a few inquiries regarding your comment.

While I cannot answer all, WA programs work; however, it really depends on how much personal effort you put in to make it happen. No rule fits all; each person is different and depends on many elements.

Commission payouts are tracked and paid according to your affiliation's terms and conditions. It would be best to read how payments are made because different programs follow different rules; some pay by check, others via PayPal, or straight to your check account.

Did you know you can add a blog to your Shopify and add compelling posts to drive organic traffic to it and to merchants' stores?

By writing top-notch, world-class, qualifying, compelling content, your target audience is searching for answers to their pain points. It would then promote engagement, which would lead to traffic.

Traffic -----> Revenue Opportunities -----> Conversions.


Good morning Eric,

Well done for making it happen; it's always good to hear a success story!

It also shows the importance of keeping everything up to date. We tend to think that the majority of payments are made electronically, but some companies are still using cheques.

In answer to your thoughts, it's important to be consistent and remember that we are in this business for the long haul!

To stay motivated and persistent, it's important to try and do tasks regularly, but at the same time we need to take a break sometimes. I stay motivated by focusing on the possibilities and realising the power and the potential of the Internet.

I'm aware that often some blog posts are more beneficial, but we have to keep moving forward and doing the best we can. I think even if we write a blog post that is not brilliant it's definitely better than doing nothing at all!

Wishing you continued success.


Hey Roy,

Those are very good things to keep in mind. I do like those practices you mentioned.

Especially when it comes to taking breaks, I think that's beneficial for all of us. We need that from time to time.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts- I wish you all the best. :)



Good morning Eric,

Thank you for your reply, it's appreciated.

Regarding having breaks, it's important to get the balance right. I think with laptops and mobile devices, it's easy to keep working, but it's also good to refresh the body and take a break from time to time!

I wish you continued success and a great day.


Great stuff, congratulations. Very encouraging.


Thanks, Michael.

I'm glad you found the post encouraging. There are some great lessons to takeaway from it as well.

Thanks again- all the best :)



Congrats getting a commission. I just started my second year premium membership and have gotten both years a $220.00 commissions but not much since. Have written 220 articles and half are indexed. I will continue to strive to write more articles and hopefully will get a commission Monthly flow soon or in time. Does take time and effort. Best wishes to you for further success. Passive income continuous would be good.

Hi Jeffrey,

Yes, it certainly does take time and effort. But if you do it right, the time will come when you receive the rewards.

I wish you all the best as you continue on your online business journey. Keep the momentum going. :)

All the best,


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