Could This Be The Next Big Thing?


Could This Be The Next Big Thing?

It started with Kyle's blog post, "A simple niche hunting challenge." I am currently considering and looking at "Real-life Social Experimenting," where I hang with different folks from all walks of life, by prior arrangement, for a day. Be it a job, a movement, a cause, whatever the case may be, as long as it is legal. And to experience first-hand what it's like to be in that position; I get to try and learn the skills needed to perform well on the day. The nice thing about it is that I can make a video, which I will take away, edit, and upload to a YouTube channel. I can also monetize the channel when the opportunity feels right.

From the Opportunity Rating search, I noticed under the "Real-life Social Experimenting,":

Prank and Humor Social Experiments would hit my highest 🤣🤣

(With the popularity of comedic content, humorous social experiments grab attention. This niche attracts a younger demographic, increasing opportunities for partnerships and sponsorships.)

Community-Based Experiments Leading to...

(Fostering community interaction through social experiments helps build more robust local ties. There's a rising demand for local businesses to enhance customer loyalty through personal engagement.)

Viral Social Challenges

(Creating and participating in viral challenges can generate massive engagement. These challenges motivate participation, making them a desirable avenue for brands and influencers.)

Further afield down the search also popped up the "Lost Tourist Prank Videos" @ Opportunity Rating: 90/100

(High demand for entertaining content, especially on platforms like YouTube. Prank videos attract significant views, leading to potential ad revenue and affiliate marketing opportunities.)

Bingo! This idea felt like a winner—something genuinely fruitful.

Just as I was diving deep into social experiments, something else grabbed my attention—one that also merges creativity and experience in a new way: the 'Reverse Dining' concept.

A "Reverse Dining" restaurant experience where customers bring their own ingredients and professional chefs prepare customized meals for them on the fly. What do you think about this idea?

Ah! That's really scored high with me. It is different; it is unconventional.

So, people would pre-book and specify their dietary preferences. They bring in their choice of raw ingredients, and expert chefs create unique dishes with those ingredients. The business provides cooking equipment, expertise, and ambiance. Pricing will be based on complexity and time vs. ingredients. This business venture could appeal to foodies, health-conscious individuals, or folks with specific dietary requirements.

I would definitely be the center of this target audience. It fits me perfectly.

It was like the 'mystery boxes' MasterChef contestants compete with. They need to learn what's inside the boxes and think quickly to cook quality restaurant dishes, be it a starter, entree, or dessert.

"Uniquely Brilliant."

Chefs would be transversal with different world cuisines. They would have excellent knowledge of Planet Earth's ingredients and be creative individuals. They would be like those renowned chefs working on large yacht vessels, expected to serve world-class restaurant-quality dishes on various pallets to suit every bud's taste. And don't get me wrong, it is a lot of responsibility; they have to figure out how to source their ingredients well, even if they have to come to FedEx from another continent, lol. They have unlimited budgets.

So how does this come to action!? 🤔

Have you ever walked into a restaurant and thought, "What if I could be the star of this culinary show?" What if the ingredients you carefully selected became the centerpiece of a gastronomic masterpiece crafted by expert hands right before your eyes?

Imagine you're standing in your kitchen, peering into your fridge. What do you see? That vibrant bell pepper you couldn't resist at the farmer's market? Those plump, juicy tomatoes your neighbor gifted you? The artisanal cheese you've been saving for a special occasion? Could these be the building blocks of your next dining adventure? Hmmm 😋

Picture yourself walking into an elegantly designed space, your bag of carefully chosen ingredients in hand. The air is thick with anticipation and the aromatic symphony of spices and sizzling pans. As you're greeted by a smiling chef, don't you wonder what culinary magic they might conjure from your humble offerings?

Can you feel the excitement as you watch skilled hands transform your ingredients into 'Something Beyond' your wildest culinary dreams? Isn't there 'Something Thrilling' about not knowing precisely what will end up on your plate, yet knowing it's made from components you personally selected?

What stories could unfold around these tables? How many first dates might blossom over the shared experience of watching their bring-your-own ingredients turn into a romantic dinner for two? Can you picture the laughter-filled business meetings or the heartwarming family gatherings, all centered around this unique dining concept?

Let's remember the vision behind this idea. How does it feel to be at the forefront of a dining revolution? Can you see me greeting curious food enthusiasts and explaining my concept with a knowing smile? Is there 'Something Special' about creating not just a business but a new way of experiencing food?

As I ponder these questions, doesn't a world of possibilities begin to unfold before me? Isn't it exciting to consider how this concept could adapt and grow? From cooking classes to themed nights, from celebrity chef appearances to cookbook launches – where could this idea take me?

So, am I ready to turn the tables on traditional dining? Am I prepared to offer food lovers an experience they've never had? Could this be my ticket to not just running a business but creating a movement in the culinary world?

What's stopping me from taking that first step towards making this vision a reality? After all, in a world hungry for new experiences, couldn't this be precisely what people crave?

To recap: Imagine a dining experience built around you—your ingredients, your creativity—brought to life by expert chefs. Personalized, creative, and unlike anything you've tried before. Could this be the next big thing in food?

I'd love to hear your thoughts. Would you attend an event like this? What would make this concept even more exciting for you? Your ideas or feedback will help me shape the future of this project—let's create something extraordinary together!

Thanks for taking the time to dive into this idea with me.


(I realize this blog post may discuss two separate topics...)

Please check out my other blog posts to the right. I appreciate you. 🙏----->>>>>

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Recent Comments



Thanks, Pie!

Sounds nice (real-life social experimenting).

Great idea, Abie.

I wish you success every step of the way.

It'll be a hit! (Spreading awareness is the key here in my view.)

- Makinde

Thank you so much, Makinde!
I appreciate you.

I think it is terrific. AbieOi.

Thank you, Lola!
I appreciate you.

You're welcome. AbieOi.

AbieOi. How much is the budget for this concept to take off?

For a medium-sized launch, the total estimated budget is likely to be in the range of:

$250,000 to $500,000

This is a rough estimate and could increase or decrease based on factors such as the location (urban vs. suburban), level of sophistication in design, and marketing scale.


Wow! Isn't that something? AbieOi.

Oh, so you're kind of doing like I suggested up there? Like having the different places mesh, or just verse each other? And do you have that kind of startup funds? If so, I think you're on the wrong site, and should be starting a huge movement type page where you, yourself teach people different things to gain money or awareness as well.

I appreciate your valued feedback here! :)

Yes, it could be the next best thing it it's promoted properly.

Have a great day, Abie.

Maxine :)

Really!? Thank you so much, Maxine, for your time reading through.
I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart.



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