FOCUS AND GOALS.are you the best you can be?
It's been almost 2 weeks on WA. I think I've finally gotten over the "initial excitement "phase. Lessons have been coming along smoothly and I've gotten the ball rolling.
However, I seem to have gotten back to some old or I should say bad habits. I seem to have lost some sense of FOCUS. That same drive which got me on here and has pushed me to want to accomplish bigger goals for myself seems to have slowed down. I'm sure there are a lot of people who feel the same way or have had a similar experience.
Here is my word to you: Remember your goals and continue to strive for them. Forget about instant results and instead cultivate the habit of continuous growth. We have all the tools here on WA to be successful just take advantage.
My goal is to not give up. When I think about it, I've accomplished a lot more in these 12 days than I had in years. Although I continue to feel like I am not moving quite as quickly as I'd like, I have to constantly remind myself that "Rome wasn't built in one day".
Stay focused...
Recent Comments
Hey hey!! Congrats on being here for 2 weeks and accomplishing what takes many months if not years like you said.
Sounds like fluctuation with focus PLUS motivation. This happens to me every day... Monday you got it, tues you're doubtful, wed you're tired, thurs you're back at it... A year later you're wondering where the heck did time go. This pattern is constant with mostly everyone I know.
To remedy this, I HAVE to plant more flowers(good seeds) daily because I then limit the room for weeds(negativity) to grow.
"Negativity" could mean losing focus, the drive, the vision...really anything that doesn't empower you and push you forward right.
I stay focused with motivational YouTube channels, good core group of people around me, exercise etc.
I remember Les Brown said if you don't voluntarily program your mind, subconsciously the world and all the negativity will program it for you.