Online Dating Hook Up


Instagram - An Online Dating Hook Up Site?

Well, that might be taken it to extreme but...... let me explain.

As part of my social media marketing strategy, I decided to give Instagram a try. If your not familiar with Instagram, you set a short profile that shows up on your page.

As you can see, I start off with my name, what I do, and something personal like I HAVE BEEN MARRIED FOR 26 YEARS, a call to action to follow me on Facebook, and finally a clickable link to many of my business opportunities.

Do you think people read profile pages BEFORE following someone. I try to make a habit of it but will admit, sometime I get a little click happy.

Read Before You Click

I got a notification today from someone who wanted to network with me. I read his bio before deciding whether this was someone I was interested in following.

I am glad this was not one of those times I decided to be click happy. This gentleman was quite honest about his intentions for being on Instagram, he was looking for a wife!

Needless to say, I did not follow him.

Of course, not all people are going to be honest while writing up their profile. Many can be quite deceiving. Thank goodness there is a way to delete and block! But we are marketers, who wants to waste time messing with the fools?

Dealing With The Fools

Instagram has a messaging tool called Direct. People you follow can send you PM's. Now we all know this can be quite powerful to build up business relationships and draw in potential customers. But, It can also be a pain in the behind when you are getting messages such I had over the weekend.

Hi beautiful, where do you live, send me pictures of yourself, would love to meet you. Seriously you fools, did you not read my da*n profile!

Needless to say, I was a bit furious. But I decided to be the nice person that I am (usually) and use this opportunity to promote my websites. I sent them a link to all my profile pages and told them that they could learn more about me there.

Instagram Is Not All Bad

Seriously, Instagram is not all bad, and it certainly is not just an online dating hook up site. I have meet some great like-minded marketers and people who I have enjoyed following.

I see this platform as a great way to promote and market my websites and business opportunities and build some great relationships along the way.

As for the fools who are "loving for love" in all the wrong places, let your business profiles do the talking.

You never know, your professionalism just might put them in their place, and you may just end up with a sale or a referral.

Of course if things start going south on you, by all means delete and report them!

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Thanks for the shared experience.

Thanks for reading my post and replying. My dilemma with the "fools" has actually turned around since I have been directing those "loving for love" to my profile pages. Now I can say that I am offering my love by offering a great business opportunity :)

Oh I have been and the "hey baby, send me pictures has stopped" :)

So funny, Suzette! I've been resisting Instagram because i really didn't want one more social media account to manage. I'm still on the fence! Maybe it's worth it! It might be worth trying it out at least! Thanks for sharing! Alanna

Oh Alanna, I was so frustrated. I am not used to be hit on (even if it is from a total stranger out cyber space LOL) But you know what, now it's kind of fun. I send them off to a profile that offers a little bit about my professional side and offer them a great business opportunity.

That's a really good idea! Take full advantage!!

It's a fact that if you put yourself out there on social media you'll get all types of responses. You have to expect the occasional weirdo.

That is true Erica. How you handle is the situation is the key!

Interesting and a great niche. You're going to put It's just lunch and E harmony out of business Suzette!


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