Sputtering Progress

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It had been a couple of months since my last post, but there's a good reason for it...

It's because we've been abroad to Puerto Rico in April, and then I had to take the time to publish all the new content from that trip on our waterfalls website.

Then, we had to quickly hustle and plan out the big home run trip of the Summer to Australia and Bali.

And on top of all of that, there was still my day job as well as hacking out a few more YouTube videos and website posts in the meantime.

So it wasn't like I was on my butt doing nothing (well, you could argue that I was on my butt a lot when it comes to blogging and doing my day job).

It just goes to show you that often times, life happens, but that's ok.

Even if I'm no longer in the Top 100 on WA's rankings due to all this stuff going on, it's not the end of the world.

Anyways, I'm writing this post because I did manage to resume my Affiliate Bootcamp journey (if but for a brief moment), and I went through an interesting 30-minute writing exercise.

It's Affiliate Bootcamp Phase 3 Lesson 6, and it basically says to just time yourself for 30 minutes and see how much you can write.

While I did have concerns about content quality and whether this exercise implicitly assumes you've done preparation/research work (which takes way longer than 30 minutes), I did go through this exercise and hacked out 1260 words.

Granted, I had an idea of what I'm going to write about next so riffing on this topic wasn't so bad.

But I do wonder how much harder this exercise would have been if I just started riffing when I was "cold" and not "warmed up".

The next lesson (Affiliate Bootcamp Phase 3 Lesson 7) was about setting up Google Analytics, which I've already done.

That said, it was worth the effort to look into how to get Google Analytics 4 set up because Universal Analytics is being phased out by July 2023, which is a bummer.

I guess Google wants us to go in the GA4 direction and it's their tool...

So that's my progress report for now. Hopefully I make more progress before I have to pause for the big Summer trip...

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Recent Comments


We all experience this occasionally, Johnny! Keep on keeping on, my friend!


Great travels good to have you back.
The priority would always be to maintain quality content, thank you for your input and greatly appreciated.

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