Home Exercise Program Core Strength
The home exercise program core strength is designed to get you fit in the comfort of your own home. Your core strength is the control of your muscles while working out in order to help stabilize your movements, reducing the risk of damage while producing tight, lean muscle. Abdominal exercises are often progressed through a series of core-isometric bracing and breathing drills in order to build static postural endurance, followed by a series of muscular contraction exercises involving the abdominals and oblique's as well as the lower back region.
The following exercises focus on the Movement Pattern = Core
The Home Exercise Program Core Strength:-
The Abdominal wall can be divided into two separate parts, each functioning differently. The front wall consists of one muscle, The Rectus Abdominis (also know as the "Abs"). This muscle arises from the lower part of the rib cage and sternum and passes vertically downward to attach on the pubic bone. The two abdominal muscles (one on each side) are encased in a sheath of facia that forms the central demarcation down the middle of the abs, known as the linea alba. fascia divisions in the muscles are responsible for the "six pack" appearance. The rectus muscles cause flexion of the trunk, bending the torso forward towards the legs. The motion is carried out by the upper abs, which pull the rib cage down toward the pelvis, or by the lower abs, which lift the pelvis upwards towards the abs.
Recent Comments
I should really start doing this, I wont see a 6 pack for some time as I need to loose a few more pounds